Imprinting and Getting to Know One Another

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Maya walked into her math class, surprisingly not getting lost on her way there and looked at the seating plan on the front board as the rest of the class filtered in. She found her seat, placing her things down and turned to face the person who had also just finished settling into the seat next to hers.

She caught his eyes and everything stopped for her. All she could see, hear, smell, and sense was him. He was hers. Hers to love, to protect, to cherish and to make happy.

Oh fuck. I just imprinted on a vampire on my first day of school. How the hell am I going to tell everyone? Actually, scratch that, how am I going to keep it a secret? I really don't need them racing over here to tear him apart before I even get the chance to know him.

Breaking out of her thoughts, she cleared her throat, determined to not make a bad first impression. "Hi. I'm Maya Swan."

"Jasper Hale."

He's southern she thought catching the slight accent he was obviously trying to hide. She leaned over the desk to catch sight of his feet and a grin broke out on her face as she caught sight of cowboy boots.

"What are you grinning at ma'am?"

"Nothing in particular cowboy. Just enjoying the fact that I finally met a stereotypical southern boy."

He smiled at that, it was crooked and she loved it. The two spent most of the class whispering to each other and passing notes, both wanting to get to know the other. Although Maya was slightly upset that this meant she would not be able to prank his coven. The last thing she wanted was to have his whole coven angry with her and making things difficult while they were trying to get to know each other.

When the bell rang, they both were reluctant to leave. Jasper, hoping to spend even a little more time with her, offered to walk her to her next class which she happily accepted, also not wanting to part from his so soon.

Over the next week, this became routine for them. Jasper would meet her at her car each morning and walk her to each of her classes. Somehow, he always made it in time to escort her even if his own class was all the way across the school. Leading her to believe that he was using his vampire speed to cheat a little bit.

Speaking of vampire speed though, she had not told him that she was anything more than a regular human and she was planning on waiting until he was ready to admit to being a vampire to tell him. Why? Because she thought it was funny watching him try to act normal around her. But also because she wanted to take her time to get to know him before they got into the whole mate bond thing. So until he felt like admitting to being a vampire, she took every chance given to drop hints about the supernatural and watch him squirm, using it as payback for looking so damn perfect without putting in any effort.

Such as today in math class. He sat there leaning back in his chair, looking absolutely stunning, and she was feeling like getting payback at the fact that she couldn't simply lean over and kiss him or mark him as hers so the other girls would know to back off.

Instead, she leaned over to whisper to him. "Do you believe in vampires? Because I'm pretty sure I've met one." He tensed at this and she held back a laugh at his expense.

He glanced over at her worried about what she knew, but not knowing what to do if she was being serious. Though her emotions read as her having fun and enjoying herself, he had learned quickly that that did not mean much when it came to potential danger with her. She seemed to delight in mischief and trouble and he wouldn't put it past her to find the idea of meeting a real vampire exciting instead of terrifying. Apparently, his mate lacked some common sense when it came to anything she considered an adventure. Which he usually found adorable, except when it involved her getting into dangerous situations. Like say, meeting a vampire.

"Yep" she continued, as if she thought him curious and not worried, "I'm pretty sure my sister is a vampire. She is super pale and never goes out in the sun. Her hands are always really cold as well. Not to mention her eyes darken when she gets hungry. That's supposed to be a vampire trait, right?"

Jasper relaxed at this, realizing that she was joking and not being serious, meaning that his secret was safe and she was not in danger from a random nomad. Little did he know though that the sister she was referring to was in fact Jane and not Bella, one of the most feared vampires in the supernatural world.

"Well, I don't think you have much to worry about Darlin'. I'm pretty sure anyone who spends all their time inside in an air conditioned house would be pale and cold to the touch." He mockingly reassured her.

"That's true" she shrugged with an exaggerated pout on her face.

Fighting the urge to simple lean forward and claim her lips as she pouted adorably at him, he cleared his throat and changed the subject. "So, will you finally be accepting my offer to join me and my family for lunch? My sisters really want to meet you."

"Nope. Not today, already promised Angela I would sit with her."

Jasper tried not to look too disappointed at this. He had been asking her everyday since they first met but she always had a reason for turning him down. He was beginning to wonder if she really liked him or was just humouring him. Although her emotions told him that she did, her actions were confusing.

She was also worrying his family. Yes, they wanted to meet her because she was his mate, but Edward couldn't read her mind and had been bugging Jasper to figure out why. He had gone so far as to claim that she could be a danger to the family in an attempt to get the others to agree with him. Although personally Jasper just thought that Edward was jealous that he had found his mate first going off the emotions that came off him whenever Maya was brought up.

Little did they all know that Maya, despite her appearing to have no sense of self-preservation, had actually thought through the situation before deciding to keep her distance. She had been raised by the Volturi and knew just how dangerous a vampire could be. So, while she trusted Jasper, she was not about to allow herself to be surrounded by other vampire's until she had more information on them. 

She was planning on calling her family this weekend to ask about these "Cullens". She would have asked sooner, but they were all busy dealing with a crazy vampire who thought it was a good idea to run around turning as many people as possible. Apparently, he thought he would run out of venom at some point or something and wanted to see how many he could turn before that. As such, her whole family was busy in Germany, cleaning up his mess and disposing of the newborns he had turned and abandoned. 

Which is why she decided to not worry them further and was waiting till this weekend when they would hopefully be home to call. Until then, she would simply keep her distance from the other Cullens as she got to know Jasper during their shared classes.

~By the way, I apologize if some of my words have no spaces in between them. I swear I am editing the chapters as I post and trying to make sure to get as many mistakes and typos as I can, but for some reason after I hit publish wattpad deletes some of the spaces in-between words. Its kind of driving me nuts and if anyone has any solutions to the problem I would love to hear them~

His Cat, Her Major ~ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now