a/n Mad fed creepy pasta story

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This is the creepy pasta version of fed. He was inspired by the video called unstable fed by mr door.  Here the story of this mad mafia.

He used to be a normal vip fed like any other fed he vary calm and collected and enjoys the solitude. Everything was peaceful until...the scientists capture him. They put him threw terrible experiments. He tried to escape but that end up  losing his left eye and his sanity. The two scientists that captured this poor fed are very cruel and vary evil. They beat the fed up whenever he try to escape. Until one day he snapped and the experiments that these scientists did to him made him vary aggressive and vary unstable that gave him his insane ultra ego and his animal instants. He killed the scientists and devour them before escaping from the prison that they made for him. He is hiding somewhere in the caves waiting for his next target. He only attack humans if he see them or if the human harm any shades or any other feds including jammers and nightshades. He carries around a hand gun, a katana and a tommy gun/shot gun. If you see a fed that has bandages over his missing eye and chest, don't make any noise because he half blind and has vary good scene of hearing. Quietly back away and hide don't try to fight him it not worth it.

Deep down he still his calm self but once you upset this mafia he will turn into a beast and attack the person that upset him. If your friendly to a fed or any other gray wolf he might spare you.

Here what he look like)

Here what he look like)

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