yan plantix group x reader

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Reader is gender natural

Requested by TrixieCoffeeFox

You are the new gardener taking care of the garden. You gather some figs fruits to make fig jam for the figs who really wanted to try it. There other plan goos that vary happy everytime you visit the garden. They are the plantixs everytime you walk into the garden the plantixs will rush to you and cuddle you and asked you what plants you like the best. This makes you feel happy that the plantixs are vary friendly with you well to friendly. It all kinda went well until a experiment with the plantixs went crazy.

The scientists told you that you have a day off from the garden. This make you sad that you won't be able to see your plantix friends. So you went to your room and went to make a new type of plant for the plantixs to plant. Suddenly a scream was heard from the halls. You stop and quickly rush out the room to investigate the noise. The smell of blood made you want to throw up as it seem like it leads to the garden.

When you head to the garden the horrible sight that awaited for you in there.

Gore alert!!!

In the garden..the tree have some scientists hanging on it branches with their intestines coming out from their stomachs. Some of them didn't have their heads...that when you look down from the tree. You see half of the scientists head are cut off and was replaced with flowers using the heads as flower pots. The look of horror from the scientists faces will forever stay in your mind forever. There drawings of a stink figure with a big heart around it and the writing saying. "Our favorite gardener.~" Written in the poor scientists blood. "Like the surprise?~" Someone said as you turn around to see the small bloody group of plantixs smiling creepy at you. Backing away from the creepy goos you bump into someone behind making you look up to see a plantix smiling down at you with a creepy smile as he holds you in a tight hug.
"Now you belong to us forever y/n.~" They all say together finally have their gardener in their grasps.

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