baby night crawler x reader

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You walk out of your dorm room to grab some breakfast. "*yawns* another day of work. I wonder if anything new gonna happen today?" You ask yourself as you head to the cafe. You walk two scientists who glare at you and chuckles. Those two always pick on you for no reason. You haven't done anything wrong to them so you guessing they looking for someone to mess with and that unlucky person is you.

You ignore the two as you walk in the cafe and smile at the mochi and sprinkle kit. "Morning guys." You wave at them as they wave back and smile. You always the favorite around the goos because you're a vary friendly and caring human around them. You always calm them down whenever they get scared when they doing another experiment.  You grab a noodle cup and a bottle of water and head to the table to eat your food. You didn't noticed two people walking behind you and failed to noticed sprinkle kits worried look and tries to warn you. You look at sprinkle kit and smile as you're about to ask them.what wrong until *splash* something cold and sticky feel on you as you froze from the cold as you noticed it was raw eggs and not the good one...they are rotten... You turn around to see those two bullies smirking at you. "Morning goodie two shoes having a good breakfast huh? Hehe we decide to give you fresh eggs for our little friend? " one of them said as they laugh at your face when they noticed that you're about to cry.  "Aww the baby gonna cry? Awe don't worry we'll get your bottle. " Both of them say as they laugh as you try your best not to cry. " why you guys always mean to me? I have done nothing wrong!" You shot at them making stare at you in shocked same with the sprinkle kit abd mochi. "Oh so the crybaby decided to shout how about we teach this loser a lesson! " one of they grab you pulling you out of the cafe as sprinkle kit abd mochi tries to stop them. "Let them go!" Mochi said as he abd sprinkle kit chase the two bullies who have you in their grasps as they take you to a room.

Then they lock you in the room and laugh. "This is your punishment for shouting at your co workers have fun!" They laugh as they walk away. You look around the room to see claw marks on the walls and floor as it looked trashed. "O oh gosh what happened here...?" You said as you slowly look around. Suddenly something ran pass you from behind making you jumped. "W what was that!?" You said as panic starts to form as you look for any source of where the noise come from.

Something jump on you making you fall down with a thud. You look up to see three purple lights staring at you as you gulp. "Umm hi...?" You asked the creature as it tilt it head at you in confusion. "friend...?" It ask as it sounded raspy but adorable. You gently pet the creature head making let out a soft purring noise. "Aww so cute!" You said as you hug it. It hiss loud ane bit your arm "ow! Ok no hugs i guess umm do you have a name?" You asked it we it glare at you from a hug.  "What a name?" It ask as you look at it in shock. "You don't have a name!? Well umm should i name you?" You asked as it nod "hmm how about night crawler? " you asked as it wag it tail. You chuckle as you pet it. "I guess you liked it. How did you get in this room little guy?" You asked as he look sad. "Meanies hurt me so i hide in this tiny room after they hurt me." He sair as you looked sad. "Don't worry we'll find a way out." You sair as you pet his head.

As time went on you told night crawler about your job, your goo friends and the two evil scientists. When you told him what the two evil scientists names he went furious. "Those are the two meanies that hurt me!" He said as he look at you. " and they mean to my new friend too!"  He said as he hug your arm and nuzzle. "Me will protect new friend...." He said as you smile at him. "And ill protect you too." You said as you pet his head. The door open as you quickly hide Nightcrawler as the two evil scientists walk in smirking at you ane drag you out while Nightcrawler hide in your shirt to hide. "Now are you gonna be a good kid anr do our work for us?" One of them said as you're about to say something until Nightcrawler jumps out from your shirt and attack one of the bullies bitting their nose. "Gah! What the heck get off me!" They said as they try to pull Nightcrawler away from their face witch only makes him madder. The other bully grabs the broom to hit Nightcrawler. "Nightcrawler look out!" You shot as the bully swing the broom at him. Nightcrawler quickly let go the other bully nose who got smacked in the face by the broom. "Watch it stupid!" The bully shout at the bully who holds the broom. They started fighting as you and Nightcrawler got away before they have time to notice the two of you are gone.

Sprinkle kit and mochi see you two and rush over. "Y/n you're ok! " sprinkle kit said as they hug you. "And who the little goo you're holding?" Mochi said as you explain what happened in the room and what happened to Nightcrawler. "Oh no....well don't worry we won't those bullies harm you two again. " sprinkle kit said as Nightcrawler nuzzle in your arms as he feels safe around you. The other goos learned about what happened to you and Nightcrawler they teached the two evil scientists a lesson and lets just say they got attacked by some panthers and some kaijus and their work got ruined by the slime pups chewing on the important papers they worked on. Some time later they got fired and have to do the janitor position and will never mess with you or Nightcrawler ever again or they'll get another attack by the goos.

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