the cattes x reader fluff

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Reader is gender neutral

Requested by Mikedoge208

Catte have you in a tight grip as she snuggle into you. "Umm catte can i go back to work? We been snuggling for a while?" "Hmmm nope." She said as she nuzzle into your neck making you sigh and pet her. The cattes always follow you around since one of your friends thought it was funny to rub your clothes with cat nip. When you put the on your clothes after a nice shower and walk out of your dorm room. When you walk pass a small group of cattes with some few busk they smell the cat nip and turn to look at you. The scream was from you running for your life as cattes and few busks starts chasing you. "Human come back let us hug you!" One of the catte said as one of them try to grab you. Your friends laugh when you ran into a locker to hide. But that back fired when one of the cattes open the locker pulling you into a tight hug. "Guys i found them!!!" She shout to her friends as you cry for your friends for help but they just stood there laughing. "Have fun with your new friends!" One of your friends yelled as they cattes and busks take you to their hideout.

That how the chaos happened. You were kinda glad that the cat nip wasn't strong enough to get the panthers and coralines to come after you overwise you probably will have lots of scratches or worse. And now you're trapped in the hideout of cattes and busks hideout for few hours. The other cattes and busks are out to get some food while the catte that capture you snuggle into you even more. You tried to escape but of course the busks will punish you by bitting you or hiss at you. Yep the busks kinda scares you since they are one of the most aggressive goos and your stuck with few of them. The cattes will treat you like their child and always keep you close to them. "Can i go to work now...?" "Few more mins." "Been saying that from other few mins ago. I'll get fired and I'll be sad. Do you want me to be sad?" You asked "no..." The catte said sadly as she nuzzle you. "I'll come back to you guys and we'll snuggle again..." You said as she slowly lets you go.

You go to the cafe after doing your work to see your two friends. "So how your furry friends?" One of them laugh as you glare at them. "Why didn't you guys help me when im being captured by cats!" You shout at them as one of them smirk. "Do you know why they are being snuggly and cuddly with you?" "No they use to pay no mind with me being around them but not this much!" You said kinda freaking out as the other said. "We rub cat nip on your clothes while your showering. " "WHAT THE FLIPPING HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!? YOU RUBBED FLIPPING CAT NIP ON MY FREAKING CLOTHES!?"  You shouted witch startled sprinkle kit and mochi who was working.  Your friends laugh as you stood there in shocked and anger. "What if a panther or a coraline smell the cat nip i would have been dead by now!" You yell as you strom out of the cafe. "What got them mad about?" Mochi said as sprinkle kit told him what she heard making mochi glare at the two friends of yours. "Really guys really?" Mochi said as he shakes his head.

It been a few days after the cat nip chaos. The cattes still follow you and keeping you by their side. The busks leaves you alone after the few days as they went back to doing what they doing. The cattes stayed witch kinda confused you. "Hey the cat nip worn off you guys can go now." You said as a male catte said. "Nah we.decied to stay around you since your vary snuggly. " he said as you sigh. Well this is probably gonna be a long day. Oh what happened to your friends? Well they got their lesson when you told the cattes and busks of what they did and the busks started chasing them around the lab. You gotten used to your new catte friends.

Vary wholesome and funny chapter ^^

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