male lanturn shork x fem reader

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Reader is female

Requested by kitkatttzzyyy

You walk in the pool room with the bucket of raw fish. "Guys dinner time!" You shout and suddenly shark fins come out the water swimming towards you. Dumping the bucket of raw fish in the water as they began to devour the fish in a matter of secs. You brought out some candy for watermelon and kawii shork since they the sweet tooth sharks. You place the candy bar in the water. Paw reach out and grab the candy from you making you giggle. "Hi watermelon." You said when the green shork poke his head out and give you a toothy grin. "Hey y/n!" He said as kawii shork pop her head out the water and look at you two. You pet the shorks on the head before giving them the candy. You noticed lanturn shork swimming up to you guys. The two noticed him and giggles to each other. "Have fun you two." Kawii said as she watermelon shork goes back into the water.

You got a bit confused what they mean by that but smile when lanturn comes out the water and sit next to you. "Hey y/n wanna hang out with me?" He asked as you nodded before he gets out the water and take you to the gardens. The pups see you guys and runs over to you two. You smile and pet the puppies. "Hi little puppies!" You said as the pups jumps on you and lick your face.  Laughing you noticed lanturn getting jealous and tries to push the pups away from you. The puppies growl at him thinking he was playing with them and suddenly jumps on him.

You laugh and picks up the pups one by one as they ran off to play. "Is the big sharky got overwhelmed by a group of puppies?" You tease giggling at the shork who growl at you and suddenly smirk witch made you stop laughing when you noticed when he walk up to you. You back away from him nervously but stop when you bump into the tree. He pin you against the tree and smirk down at you. "Is the human afraid of the shark?" He asked as he rub your cheeks playful. You blush as you look away from him. He suddenly make you face him gently and kiss you on the lips gently. You shyly kiss him back as you shyly hug him tightly. After a few mins you both pull away and nuzzle each other. "Love you y/n.~" he said as he chuckle holding you in his arms. "L love you too big guy." You said giggling as you snuggle into his chest and close you eyes as he wrap his tail around you. You two having a wholesome moment until the group of pups came back and starts jumping on you two. "Oh come on guys leave us alone." Lanturn said annoyed as a pup was biting his fin playful. You laugh at that as you hold a cyan pup petting it. "Aww he likes you sharky!" "No he eating me alive y/n!" He said as he pull the pup away from him but end up getting bit by other pups. "Ow stop it!" He said as he push the pups away as you giggle. "Guys come on leave him be." You said as the pups leaves lanturn shork alone as they ran off to play. "Phew thanks y/n..." He as he dust himself off and sit next to you. "No problem." You said as you lay your head against his shoulder.

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