yan vip fed x reader

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Reader is gender neutral

Requested by soozaoffical

(Long chapter and some of emotional parts in it)

Having a task to take care of the gray wolves seems interesting to say at least. But taking care of vips gray wolves has another story. There not much left since the humans keeps attacking the vips. The vips have stayed in a room to be protected by few guards hazzys to make sure the try hards won't harm the vips. The hazzys wouldn't let any human come in unless they were task to take care of the vips. No wonder the try hards stay away from the vip room so they wouldn't get slash by a group of hazzys. Sighing you grab the stuff to take care of the vip gray wolves and head to the vip room witch is the computer room. You see two hazzys standing by the door as loud music can be heard from the room. Once they see you they give you a glare. This made you want to poop your pants from the scary glare from the hazzy. 'the heck did i do? I just got here! It like they glaring at me for killing a slime pup!' You thought as them your task papers. The two hazzy look at the papers and nodded as they move out of the way. Before you can walk in you heard one of them saying. "Hurt them or else..." One of them snarled as you quickly nod and walk  in the room.

In the room you see the vip wolves jammer just singing his heart out as night shade blast the music singing with jammer. Shade sitting there recording the music duo as if they on a live stream. Wait where vip fed? You were about to ask nightshade where the mafia is until you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You thought it was a one of the hazzys going to scare you again. You slowly turn around to see vip fed who gave you a strange look that made you jump back a bit almost bumping into jammer who got startled by you as he and night shade stop the music and turn to look at you and vip fed for a sec and went back to jamming. Shade however point his camera at you and vip fed curious of what gonna happen. "So you're the care taker who will to take care of us?" He asked as he look at you with a bit of distrust and a hint of interest. You nodded as he seems to slowly calm down but keeps his guard up just in case you try something you might regret. As days went by with you taking care of the wolves, jammer and nightshade seem to like you as they always wanted you to jam with them and wanted you to hang out with them.

Shade is a bit shy and tends to ask you to do some video with him. Of course a hazzy will follow you in order to keep shade safe. Or sometimes fed will follow you whenever you and shade do some videos together. And fed...well at first he was cold to you like any other fed will do since feds don't like humans vary much. He tend make your job a bit difficult like he'll boss you around when the other wolves around not around. He'll make fun of you with some snarky remarks. Of course you ignore him whenever he makes fun of you and continue to do your job. You thought maybe he was just testing you to see if you can handle the bully from the fedora wolf boss. And plus whenever he make fun of you shade and the other wolves will get upset with him for hurting you but you always tell them that you're fine and was used to being bullied when you were younger.

Sometimes whenever you hang out with the other wolves fed just stay quiet and was...watching you...creepy. You thought maybe fed is keeping an eye out for shade to make sure he safe since shade almost got killed by one of the try hards. But that wasn't the case when shade walks up to you after you finished your lunch break. "Umm y/n can i talk to you about something important...?" He asked as he look around.he looked scared? You nodded as he takes you to the small room by the garden as the two of you sit down on the couch. "Ok its about fed..." He started as he takes a deep breath as he explains. "Fed is acting off....he been staring at you with a weird look. And i saw him took one of your pens. Whenever i asked him what he doing, he said he was just borrowing it for something.

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