slime hound x half slime pup child reader

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Reader is gender natural

Requested by dustycookiepony

You were a kindest child in the orphanage. Always helping out the staff cheering up other kids who are upset. Everyone in the orphanage saw you as their sunshine. You always wonder why your birth parents left you, but you didn't let it bother you much as it was just the past. You were happy in the orphanage the kids and. staff are like your family. That is until someone choose you to be their kid. You were playing outside with the other kids playing tag or hide and seek the worden walk out. "Y/n there a nice man here to adopt you!" He shout as you look at the worden in shock. "R really someone here to adopt me?" You asked as you're both happy and sad at the same time. The worden nod as he takes you his office. You turn around sadly and wave at the other kids goodbye. They seem sad to see you go and wave you back.  The two walk in the worden office to see a man in a lab coat. He give you a smile as you awkwardly smile him back. Something about this man seem off like something bad is going to happen but you shrug it off as you thought you're were just nervous about being adopted.

After they write the important papper and stuff the man adopted you and take you to your new home. You softly cry as you hug all the kids and staff saying goodbyes. "I'll miss you guys..." You said as you put your hand on the window as the orphanage slowly disappear when the man drive the car further and further away from it. The man drive to the woods where a hidden lab was. You look at the lab in confusion is this his lab. He park in the parking lot and takes you in the building. You slowly get scared when the man sweet aura disappear as it replace with the cold one. He drag you to the testing chamber as you see other scientists staring at you making you more scared. It turns out the man that adopted you was a head scientist and he told the other scientists to start the experiment. You try to run away but he grab you by the shirt collar and put you on the table holding you down as the other scientists tied your arms and legs. Someone inject you with the sleeping medicine as everything went black.

Few hours later you slowly waking up you look around to see that you're in a cell. You slowly get up as you groan softly as you noticed something strange you see paws. Your paws slowly turn from light blue like a diamond color to shiny gold. "W what what!?" All that came out was a bark. You covered your mouth in shock and look around and see the small mirror. You rush to it and gasps loud to see yourself as a slime pup. But what strange is that you're vary shiny and you change colors from diamond to gold. "W what...?" You place your paw on the mirror staring in shock. Suddenly the door open and the head scientist walk in and smirk evil at you. "I see that you're awake little puppy" he said as he walk to you and pet your head. You growl and bit his hand barking at him. "What have you done to me!!?" You growl as he didn't seem to understand you as he glare you and grab you by the neck making you whimper. "Now you listen here you little brat. I adopted you to be my little lab rat got any problems with that!?" He said as he glare at you as he drop you to the ground. You lay there whimpering in pain as he walk out the door and lock it leaving you all alone. 

It been week being treated like trash from the head scientist. He feed you little of food and water every day. You wish you can escape the cell and run away back to the orphanage. But you know that you're not human anymore and everyone there won't understand and recognize you. You thought you're going to forever trap in this cold cell forever until  the two softies rescue you. You were eating some bit of food until someone walk in and turn to see two female goos that look like foxes that look like walking galaxy balls of fluff who smile at you sweetly. You get scared and back away from them scared that they going to hurt you. "Wait wait wait its ok little puppy im not going to hurt you." One of them said who wears a collar that has a star tag as she walks to you. Followed by the other one who have a moon tag on her collar as the one with the star tag collar gently pet you as she noticed some cuts and bruises and gasps. "Who did this to you!?" She asked shocked as she and her sister looked worried and cornered for your health. You bark at them explaining what happened to you the more you explain the more angry the sisters became. "Don't you worry we'll you out of here... " the one with the moon tag said as she and her sister take you out of you cell and ran to the caves. "HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY EXPERIMENT!!!?" The head scientist yell his head off at you guys. The one with the moon tag glare at him with hatred. "You hurt an innocent puppy you monster!" She whisper yelled as the star tag one see a large group of slime hounds and  yelled. " slime friends we have a stinky  human who is being mean to a puppy!" When she yelled the slime hound turn their heads to you guys and when saw the head scientist ready to attack you guys. They growl and start charging at him like an angry mob with pitch forks and torches. He ran away like a scared little kid as he ran to safety.

You hug the two who saved you and found out their names are starry and moona. Who are the pup care takers assistants They reminded you of the friendly saff from the orphanage. After you were saved it was your first time being in the garden and see goos like figs and plantix who take care of the gardens and pups. The other pups became your friends from your vary cheerful ane sunshine personally. The slime hounds that attacked the head scientist came to the garden to see you. They seem vary curious of you and became vary protective of you. Moona and starry noticed two slime hounds that wasn't able to have pups have been staring at you. The two softies look at each other and nod smiling. Starry asked  you follow her  as she takes you to where moona is who is sitting by some boxes. "We have some slime who seem vary sad y/n they weren't able to have any pups of their own." Moona said sadly as starry nodded. You look at them confused. "A a are they friendly?" You asked a bit worried as moona and starry nodded. "Yes and they seem vary interested in you." Starry said as moona called over the slime hounds who look at you as they seem a bit nervous and calm. You guys bonded as you starting to like the slime hounds and let them adopt you. What good is that you get to come back to the garden to play but have to ve vary careful because since you're a rare and humans or the panthers will try to attack you. But the softies will let you hide in their fur to keep you safe. You felt truly happy with your new family and friends.

Drawings of the night charms.

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