pup jammer x reader x pup ns

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Reader is gender neutral

"Ok guys time to wake up" you said as you head to couch to see two gray puppies sleeping. One with the headphones sleeping on the pup with the purple shades. You stare at the cute sight and smile at them. You found the two pups at the caves by themselves as they were waiting for their parents. You asked one of the caretakers of what happened to their parents and they said they were attacked by some of the humans. As it turns out their parents are vips and now the pups are orphans. But you decided to take care of them as you didn't want them to be sad and alone.

At first the pups are scared of you, night shade used to growl at you when you try to feed him or pet him, and jammer tends to hide from you or bite your hand when you try to pick him up. Then you figure out that music calms them down well of course they are pups of the music loving wolves duh. So you put on some music and suddenly they become a little calm and startled to jam out to the music. It so cute when you see the pups dancing to the music. After a while of bonding and getting bit and growled at they starting to get used to you and think of you as their parent.

Anyways back to the sleeping pups. You poke jammer nose making it twitch and turn his head away. You pick his paw making him wake up and yawns before shaking his fur and look at you. You pet his head as he wag his tail as he smile. Now it night shade turn and he a bit well difficult. He doesn't like woken up (i don't blame him :p) and he'll swat at your hand with his tiny paws or try to bite your hand. Once you woken him up he'll give his scariest stare he can master and he'll punish you by messing with you while you try to work by blasting up the music. Of course people are complaining about the noise in your dorm room and there some rumors saying you're harming the pups when they heard night shade howling. You knew he just doing that just to get you in trouble and jammer always scold his brother whenever he does his tantrum.  

You sigh and look at jammer as he tilt his head at you wondering what you're thinking. "Ok night shade if you don't wake up i guess jammer will have all the belly rubs. " you said smirking you knew he loves belly rubs he'll do anything for them. And instantly he wakes up and look at you and lay on his back waiting for you to rub his belly. Trying not to laugh you rub his belly as he wag his tail as he hug your hand with his paws. Jammer whines as he gets a little jealous as he nudge at your arm as he look up at you. You sigh as you give him the belly rubs as well. This is probably gonna be a long day.

(Sorry if it short)

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