male catte x nc minon reader

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Reader is male

Requested by dustycookiepony

You were a lone minion you left the group after being mistreated by the leader nightcrawler. Now you are on your own wondering around the cave looking for a area to stay. "Someone help!" Someone yelled you run to the noise to see a catte running away from the small group of female bucks. "Come back here!" One of the female bucks yells as they corner the poor catte at a dead end. The catte looked scared as he back against the wall as the female bucks gets closer. You glare at the bucks and attacks them. The fight last for a few mins until the female bucks went away.

You were scratched up and as you have a claw mark over your right eye. The catte ran to you anr hug you. "Thank you thank you thank you!! You saved my life i thought i was a goner." He said as you chuckle. "It no problem why are they chasing you anyways?" "Well the doctor making me as a breeder for these girl bucks and their were in heat...and they saw me like i was their meal." He said as he shivers from the shock. "I see...well bye." You said as you're about to walk away. "Wait let me come with you in case these bucks come back!" Catte said as he quickly follows you as you sigh. "Fine you can come but don't annoy me..."you said as the catte smiles happily. "Yay i mean ok.." He said as you sigh realizing it gonna be a long day.

As time went on you starting to like the catte company. He treats you as a best friend and always treat your wound whenever you went on a human hunt. You slowly starting to catch some feelings for the bucket cat. You look to see catte sleeping on your lap purring in his sleep. You blush at the sleeping cat and pet his head making him purr louder and snuggle against you. He slowly groans as he slowly wakes up and looks at you and suddenly he kiss you on the lips shocking you. "S sorry i i..." "Its ok catte..." You said as you blush "y you don't mind it?" He asked you. "No i kinda like it to be honest. I wanted to do that to you but i guess you beat me to it." You said as catte giggles kissing you on the cheek. "Good maybe i can make you blush like no tomorrow. " he laugh you growl playful and look away. "You're annoying..." "I love you too y/n.~" He said as he pull you in a hug making you smile a bit. Well at least you have someone after being mistreated by the Nightcrawler and catte won't be use as a breeder for these female bucks.

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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