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(Y/n) POV:

Tonight was Anderson Paaks Halloween party. He had invited Hailee and I so of course we said yes. I had decided to go as Indiana Jones as my costume. I even put on fake blood for cuts and stuff. To make it look more adventurous.

"You ready?" I asked Hailee and walked into the bathroom. "Just let me finish my makeup." She told me and I nodded. "Okay." I told her and waited downstairs. She had a whole makeup team and everything for this.

When Hailee was all ready to go we left the apartment and made our way to the party venue. Obviously we had to take some pictures and say hi to some people. "Cool costumes!" Anderson told us when we saw him. "Thanks!" I responded and gave him a high five.

"You look amazing." I told Hailee while we had a moment to ourselves. "You look pretty sexy too." Hailee responded and gave me a kiss.

We danced for a bit and had a few slow dances too. "Anna!" Hailee exclaimed when she saw her former co star. "Hailee! You look so cute!" Anna shouted and gave her a hug. "And you look wonderful (Y/n)" Anna told me and gave me a hug next. "Thank you, you look wonderful." I complimented and reciprocated her hug.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" I asked Hailee. "A beer would be great." Hailee told me. "You got it." I gave her a thumbs up. I left the crowd to go get our drinks and when I got back Hailee was talking with some other people I didn't know.

"This is (Y/n), my husband." Hailee introduced me to her friends. I waved and they introduced themselves. I gave Hailee her beer and she gave me a kiss on the cheek in return.

We spent some time talking to Hailee's friends before I got bored. "Should we go somewhere else?" I asked Hailee and she nodded. "Sure." She nodded and we got our jackets. When we left the paparazzi got a few pictures of us and I waved to a few of them.

We went into a CVS and got some candy. Hailee grabbed a box of cookies and then had me take pictures of her. "Spooky." I commented and showed her the photo. We took a few pictures together and then went home.

"That was so fun!" I announced as we walked around the city. I think I drank a bit too much. I was kinda stumbling. "Watch out! You almost fell into the street." Hailee told me and pulled me back. "Oops." I shrugged.

When we got back to the apartment I fell onto our bed and my hat fell on my face. "Ow!" I groaned and moved a pillow onto my face. I shrugged my jacket off and started to feel sleepy. "You're such a lump. Come on, you gotta wash that makeup off." Hailee told me and tried to get me up. "I am not a lump!" I objected. "You're impossible to move when your lying down, you're a lump it's common knowledge." Hailee argued. "Ugh, fine." I groaned.

I climbed out of bed and went back to the bathroom to wash my face. "You looked pretty hot in that rugged makeup." Hailee told me and kissed all over my face. I kissed her back and we started making out.

We were interrupted when Martini ran into the bathroom and jumped on my legs. "Hi teenie!" I exclaimed and picked up the little terrier. Martini gave me a bunch of kisses and it tickled. "Your a good dog!" I told her and sat down on the bed with her.

I placed martini on the bed and then changed into my pajamas before getting back in bed. Martini and I cuddled for a few minutes before I fell asleep. I felt Hailee lie next to me and I turned to cuddle with her. This was a pretty good Halloween.

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