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While Hailee was gone for a few hours (Y/n) had heard rustling coming from the bushes outside. He knew it wasn't Martini since Hailee took her with her, so he decided to investigate.

"Oh my god." (Y/n) mumbled, pulling the bushes back to reveal a tiny kitten. He reached for the kitten but it hissed at him and backed away. The kitten was obviously very young since it couldn't even walk right yet.

After a few minutes he had gotten the kitten inside and put some blankets in a box. He rested the kitten in the box and fed it some milk. Whenever (Y/n) tried to pet the kitten it would hiss at him. He was able to pet the cat a few times but he decided to make sure the kitten was comfortable too.

Soon enough the front door opened and martini ran inside. Hailee walked in a few seconds later and both of their eyes were on the tiny kitten in the box. "Do I even want to know where you found that kitten?" Hailee asked. "I found it outside in the bushes. It was hungry so I brought it in here and gave it some milk. I don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet." (Y/n) explained.

Hailee tried to pet the kitten but received a hiss in response. "Well it's not too cuddly." She mumbled. Martini went over and sniffed the kitten before lying down next to the box and acting as a guard dog. "Well martini likes the kitten." (Y/n) announced.

After a few days the kitten had warmed up to (Y/n). He figured out that the kitten was a boy and then decided to name him vodka so it would match with martini. That name was immediately shut down by Hailee and they both decided on the name peanut.

Over time peanut became more cuddly and always wanted to snuggle up with (Y/n) and Hailee. Peanut did get along with martini since they were around the same size and the dog was always careful around him.

Everyone had loved the cat and was glad (Y/n) had found him and brought him inside.

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