Hot ones

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(Y/n) was doing the hot ones interview where he ate all of the spiciest chicken wings. "Welcome to the show (Y/n)! Are you ready for this?" The host asked. "I mean yeah. I think I can handle this." (Y/n) boasted, giving the host a smirk. "We'll see about that." The host mumbled, giving him the first wing. (Y/n) devoured the first wing, not even flinching. "Done." He placed the bone back on the plate.

"So first question, how's Hailee? You two have been dating for a while now." The host questioned. "She's good, we've been together for four, almost five, years." (Y/n) answered before taking a bite of the next wing, which was spicier than the first one. "Oh wow, that's a bit spicy." He mumbled, drinking a sip of water. "You and Hailee have been together for so long, you gonna propose soon?" The host asked, making (Y/n) do a double take. "I don't know, we're both still pretty young. I hope so though, maybe when we're older." He answered, stuttering over his words a bit.

(Y/n) began to eat the next few wings, which were extremely spicy. "Oh my god, it's so hot. Damn.." (Y/n) whispered, starting to sweat. "Can I get some milk? Or another jug of water?" He asked, trying to fan himself. A producer gave him some milk and he drank all of it at once. "So, how does it feel to be a part of the young avengers?" The host asked (Y/n), sliding another wing on his plate. "It's amazing. Working with Hailee and Florence is really fun. Working with Hailee is amazing, we've been together for a while but we've never actually worked on a film before until now." He answered.

"Oh my god! What is this? My tongue is on fire! I need more water." (Y/n) shouted, wiping his mouth with a napkin and then trying to fan himself. Once he got some water he poured it all over his face. "So, what happened to 'I can handle this'?" The host teased, and (Y/n) just gave him a glare. "Shut up." He mumbled, now downing the milk.

"Anyway, how was hosting SNL?" The host moved on. "It was fun! Everyone is hilarious both on and off screen. Kate Mckinnon was amazing to work with. My favorite skit was the NFT's and the rap roundtable." He answered and the host nodded in agreement. "Who was your favorite person to work with?" The host questioned while getting a few more wings ready. "I don't know! That's a hard question. Probably Keenan Thompson or Kate Mckinnon." He answered before biting into another wing.

"Holy crap." (Y/n) mumbled before resting his head onto the table. "Can I have another napkin? I need one that isn't covered in hot sauce." He asked, and the host handed him another napkin. After a quick thank you (Y/n) sucked it up and ate the whole thing. By this point most of the area around his lips was covered in hot sauces and he was desperately trying to get it off. He drank some more milk out of the jug before seeing the last two wings he needed to eat.

"How is filming with marvel?" The host questioned. "It's fun. I love being fireball. He's a pretty amazing character. I love his story and how his character grows over the trilogy. It's also fun to incorporate Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova and how they sort of form the young avengers together. I think you'll be seeing a lot more of fireball in the future." (Y/n) explained before taking a few more bites of another wing.

"Is this like a jalapeno but in sauce form?" He wondered, and the host nodded. "Last one, just do it. Like just eat it fast and then you're done." The host encouraged him, and (Y/n) finished off the last wing. "Done! Now give me that water and milk!" He shouted, taking the milk jug and drinking the rest of it. Finally the interview was over and he got to go home.

"How was that?" Hailee asked, seeing (Y/n) all sweaty when he got home. "Fine, I need the milk." (Y/n) announced. Once he got to the kitchen he opened the milk carton and drank it right out of the carton, much to Hailee's displeasure.

After another twenty minutes most of the spice had subsided and he took a cold shower before changing and spending the rest of the day watching Tv with Hailee and playing with Martini. He was definitely excited to see this interview when it came out.

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