Trouble (2)

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Kate coughed a few times trying to catch her breath as the men looked around. (Y/n) stood up and went to go see what was going on, leaving Kate behind. (Y/n) had gotten his suit onto him and walked around. He was trying to gather and lead people out secretly while unbeknownst to him, Kate was putting on the Ronin suit.

Everyone trying to get out was stopped by one of the guards at the door. "Do you know who I am?" Armand threatened with the guy only aiming his gun at him in response. Before he could shoot, Kate knocked the guard down and tackled him to the floor (Y/n) aimed a fireball at him. Kate stood up and saw everyone staring at her. "Hello." She mumbled before gunshots went off. "Quick! Hurry! Everyone get out of here!" She called out, while (Y/n) was fireballing the attackers. Unfortunately they all dodged his fireballs.

Kate started fighting off different guards while (Y/n) was trying to slip them up so Kate could get them easier. While Kate was taking them down, (Y/n) provided her cover and protected her when needed, which was very rare since she didn't need it.

Once all the men were taken down Kate and (Y/n) ran out of the building where the explosion happened. Kate still didn't realize Fireball was (Y/n), but she was very grateful to have him with her.

When they walked outside, they saw the same dog from before, but this time a man was kicking him and trying to get him off his leg. Before Kate could speak, (Y/n) stepped in. "Don't touch him!" (Y/n) shouted, running and blasting a fireball near him to scare him. The man let go of the dog and the dog took off. "Wait!" (Y/n) and Kate both shouted, taking off after the dog.

Kate took off after the dog who had just ran into the street. The dog looked back at (Y/n) before Kate swept him away from the car and back to safety.

Once all the cars stopped a man ran over and took off his mask. (Y/n) instantly knew they were from the tracksuit mafia, but Kate didn't. "Let's go! Now! Come on!" (Y/n) shouted, taking her hand and running down the street.

"Woah, a ninja saved a dog." Lila told everyone, looking at the Tv in the hotel room to see a news story about Kate in the ronin suit saving the dog. Clint recognized the suit as the picture was shown. "(Y/n), what did you do..." He mumbled, knowing the boy was up to this.

"So, fireball. I'm really glad you helped, but what are you still doing here?" Kate asked as they walked down the street. "I thought we were partners?" (Y/n) asked, taking off the fireball mask. "(Y/n)! You're fireball! Wait! You're (Y/n) Stark! I've seen you on the news with Tony before! That's why you looked familiar! Am I the only one who knows your fireball?" She exclaimed. "Yep.. besides my family and the avengers." He confirmed. Kate smiled at him and he smiled back before they walked into her apartment.

"Okay, wow. That was- that was crazy." Kate whispered as they walked into her apartment. "But we're safe. We're safe." She told (Y/n) and the dog. "What is up with Armand? Threatening my mom and buying black market swords? Do you think he's connected with the break in somehow?" Kate asked herself, while (Y/n) was petting the dog.

"I doubt it." (Y/n) told her. "Why would they steal his sword if he's connected to the gang?" He added after seeing her confused look. "Good point, good point." Kate nodded while looking at the dog. "Food, you want food. Yeah, let's get you some food." Kate told the dog.

Once the dog was fed some pizza, (Y/n) and Kate both left the apartment again. They went to Armand's house and snuck in through the window. "Do we really need to break into his house?" (Y/n) asked. "We need to find out what's going on." She whispered as they walked around.

While Kate picked up a butterscotch, (Y/n) found something interesting. "Bishop! I found him, I found Armand." He whispered and she came over. "Bad news, he's dead." He added with a frown. "Oh god!" She whispered and they snuck back out of the house.

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