Summer Job

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(Y/n) POV:

My summer vacation is not exactly how I'd like to be spending it. I wanted to spend the whole summer with my girlfriend Hailee but since I need money to pay for college and other things and she's busy with getting new acting jobs and her music, I had to get a job. Acting wasn't making me too much money right now and I still needed to pay off my college. And only one place would hire me, a day camp. Surprising that one place hired me even though I had acting jobs on my resume and I could be considered famous. But whatever. I didn't realize this right away, but managing like ten four and five year olds all day is hard work.

But it wasn't all bad, I had made some friends. But I had gotten in trouble a few times for using my phone. In my defense I was texting Hailee since we had a date after work was over.

"Can I quit now?" I mumbled to my co counselor, Willa. "No. If you quit im all alone." She responded before drinking some water. The kids were all running around the playground so we had a little break.

"I'm so ready to go home." Willa muttered as she checked her phone. "I'm done with today, I've been done with it ever since I woke up." I told her while texting Hailee before a kid ran up to us. Luckily he was one of my favorites so it was fine.

"I have to go potty." Sammy told me. Sammy was a good kid who was always happy and never had a meltdown so I had no issue with taking him to the bathroom. "Let's go." I told him and took him inside.

"Who are you texting?" He asked innocently on our walk. "My girlfriend." I responded without thinking. "You have a girlfriend?!" Sammy asked me in shock. "Yeah!" I nodded. I'm pretty sure this kid thinks I live at camp too so I understand why he may be surprised.

He went to the bathroom pretty fast and when he was done he just ran back outside. I walked back and met up with Willa before more kids came over to me.

"You have a girlfriend (Y/n)?!" Another kid named Millie asked. "Do you really?!" Another camper asked. "I do, now go play." I told them and ushered them away.

"How'd they find out about Hailee?" Willa asked. "I accidentally told Sammy I was texting my girlfriend when he asked what I was doing on my phone." I responded.

The day went by pretty slow and finally it was the end of the day. Most of the kids in my group go to aftercare where they just play inside and do arts and crafts and it's like a camp extension. So I don't have that many with me right now.

Once all the kids in my group went to their groups I chatted with a few co workers while waiting for Hailee. She was gonna walk here and then we'd go get food or something.

"Bye guys!" I waved goodbye once I saw Hailee waiting for me. Everyone said goodbye back as I walked out of the park and over to Hailee.

"Hey." I smiled and kissed her. "Hi." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We started walking away from the park and we passed where the aftercare kids were playing tag.

"(Y/n)!" Sammy shouted as we passed by. "Hi buddy!" I waved back. "Is that your girlfriend?!" Another camper named Katherine asked. "Mhm." I nodded. All of the kids in my group who were there absolutely freaked out and I just waved goodbye and kept walking with Hailee.

"They just found out today that I had a girlfriend." I explained after seeing her give me a look. "Okay. That explains it. At least they like you." Hailee shrugged. "They also think I live at camp." I told her and we had a laugh about it.

We quickly stopped talking about work and focused on spending time together before it got too late. I definitely like how my summer is going, even if I don't get to spend it with Hailee every single day.

(Inspired by my summer job as a camp counselor)

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