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(Y/n) POV:

Martini apparently is going through a biting phase, not because she's aggressive but because it's a puppy thing. I've never been a victim of Martini's biting, but Hailee has.

"Ouch! Ooh! That's rude, that hurts." Hailee cooed to Martini as the dog was lying on her back on Hailee's lap and biting Hailee's finger. I just chuckled to myself as I watched the scene unfold.

"Listen...Linda, no more biting." She told Martini. I don't know why she called the dog Linda but whatever. I'll just go with it. "Damn dude, okay." Hailee mumbled to herself. "Go get (Y/n), go get him! Go bite him!" She cooed to the dog, who ran over to me and jumped up on the couch.

"Hi!" I cooed to the dog, rubbing her tummy as she sprawled out on my chest. Instead of biting me like Hailee wanted, Martini just kissed my face. "I get kisses! You love me." I told the dog, making sure Hailee heard. Martini ran back to her a few minutes later and the biting continued.

"Ow. Stop, oh my sweet jesus this hurts. Okay here's the thang." Hailee mumbled to herself as Martini now tried to play tug of war with the scrunchie on her wrist. "Teenie!" Hailee whisper shouted as she tried to pull her wrist away from the tiny dog. I had recorded the whole moment and put it on my Instagram story just for fun.

"You're my best friend and my daughter...ow! And a biter, shit." Hailee told the dog. "Hey! I thought I was your best friend!" I announced, giving her a look of fake hurt. "If she keeps biting me you will be." Hailee told me, and I nodded. Good enough honestly.

"No!" Hailee squealed. "Just kisses, just kisses." Hailee told the dog as she held her up to her face. "Imagine if she bit my face." She added and looked at me. "That'd be funny. I mean it might hurt but I dunno." I shrugged.

"Martini stop!" Hailee squealed again as the dog started biting her fingers again. "Just give her to me." I told her, and she handed Martini to me. Martini instantly calmed down and slept peacefully on my stomach, making Hailee look at me in shock.

"Why is she not biting you?" She asked and I shrugged. "I dont know, but I like it the way it is." I told her while rubbing Martini's tummy.

(Just some small fluff to hold you over while I write some new chapters!)

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