Trouble (Kate Bishop)

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(Some information before you read: (Y/n) is Tony's adoptive son but now lives with Clint and his family ever since Tony died)

"That's not even what happened. Besides, you most certainly did not sing and dance through the entire battle." (Y/n) whispered to Clint as they watched the Avengers musical.

"It'll be over soon." Clint mumbled, zoning out once Nat's solo had started. Both Clint and (Y/n) were despondent, stuck in their memories over their best friend and mother figure.

"Dad? Dad? Did you turn your hearing aid off?" Lila whispered, waving her hand in his face to get his attention.

"No, honey I was- I was there. I know what happens." Clint brushed it off. (Y/n) let out a small chuckle and watched the interaction. "You know who wasn't there? It was that guy." Clint added, pointing to the actor playing Hawkeye.

"(Y/n) wasn't there either." Lila pointed out. "Nope. Thank god, I wouldn't want to be in this thing." He scoffed, earning a laugh from Clint. "You look pretty cool though. That's a plus." Lila added, talking to her dad.

"They have horrible costumes. This is Broadway?" (Y/n) questioned, Lila agreeing with what he said. "I'll be right back." Clint dismissed himself, walking off.

The rest of the show was a blur and now they were just finishing up dinner. The waiter had told them all that the restaurant had comped their meal since Clint had saved the city, and they all left somewhat awkwardly.

While everyone else went to go see the giant christmas tree at Rockefeller center, (Y/n) started his research on the mysterious crime wave he had heard of before they left for New York. There was a gala happening nearby and it happened to be a charity event.

From (Y/n)'s previous experience, nothing good happened at those events and something always went wrong, so he was going to check it out and see if there was a lead.

He told Clint he was going to do some exploring on his own, and luckily the man had bought it. Now he was just walking in, passing an awkward family moment with a girl in a very nice suit looking very pissed off.

After a bit of walking around, he noticed the girl walking outside. Feeling pretty compelled to talk to the mystery woman, (Y/n) followed. The girl was leaning on a gate, and there was a dog.

The dog ran straight to (Y/n) as if he knew the boy, and he smiled. The girl noticed him, and offered her hand out. "Kate Bishop." The girl introduced. "(Y/n)." He responded, not giving her his last name. Everyone recognized it, and he didn't want to go through the explanation on how Tony was his adoptive father. Luckily Kate seemed fine with that. "Let's go back inside, it's getting cold. Not that it already is, it's just getting colder." (Y/n) stuttered as soon as the dog left. Kate nodded and the two walked back inside.

(Y/n) was about to pass the two people arguing in another hall, but Kate stopped him. They listened in to the conversation and made sure not to blow their cover.

"I should've known that this 'empire' of yours would be built on a lie." A man whispered. "Armand Duquesne." Kate whispered to (Y/n), giving him the man's name but cutting off the start of the woman's sentence. "She's my mom." Kate also filled in.

"By myself from the ground up. So whatever you think you saw is not true." Elanor stated. "Don't insult my intelligence." Armand snapped. "Frankly, you're insulting us both."

"I know what I saw-"

"You are all just-" The two cut each other off.

"Don't you try that on me!" Armand whispered harshly. "I gave you an opportunity to explain yourself."

"I don't want to argue with you." Elanor stated.

"I've got powerful friends too. Ones you don't want to mess with." Armand threatened.

"Please." Elanor scoffed, and they both started walking. "Armand." she groaned. "See you at Christmas dinner." She mumbled quietly and made her way out.

Kate and (Y/n) moved away from the entrance slightly, making it look like they were just talking by a random wall. (Y/n) looked at Kate confused, mouthing 'what?' and pointing to the entrance. 'Not now. Look like we're talking to each other.' Kate mouthed back. That quickly failed when her mom walked out and Kate followed behind.

"Mom, what was that about? Was that guy threatening you?" Kate asked from behind, forgetting her original plan of not being seen. She would rather know the answers than have to piece them together herself.

"I honestly-- I have no idea." Elanor replied, (Y/n) just sitting in his spot from before. "Why are you lurking in hallways?" She asked.

"I was outside, getting air and talking." Kate excused.

"Oh yeah? Talking to who?" Elanor challenged.

"(Y/n), right there." Kate pointed to (Y/n), who gave a wave and a small smile.

"Come back to the party, and bring him with you for all I care." Elanor told her daughter.

"Okay. Be right there." Kate excused and waited for her mom to leave before she waved for (Y/n) to come along and he just followed behind.

"Where are we going?" (Y/n) asked.

"Following Armand." She replied. The two of them walked a bit behind Armand, being careful to not be noticed by the man.

"Have you ever done this before?" (Y/n) asked. Kate shrugged and he just nodded before they kept going. They walked into the kitchen and grabbed two trays, acting like they were working the party.

Once they got to their destination, Kate spotted Armand and her mom's finance, and (Y/n) spotted Clint's old ronin suit.

"The suit..." (Y/n) whispered, seeing it's box as it was going to get auctioned off. In fact all of this stuff was from the old Avengers compound. He saw the sword as well, and he already knew that this was the start of something very bad.

"What suit?" Kate whispered. "Oh, nothing." (Y/n) brushed it off, earning a suspicious look from the girl next to him. "All this stuff, it's from the old avengers compound." He whispered to her.

Kate turned her attention to a waiter and got him to leave before another showed up shortly. "Who told you two to come down here?" The man asked. "Gary." Kate whispered. "I'm Gary. What's your name?

"You see, that's the problem Gary. You don't even know my name. You know what, this isn't gonna work out. We quit." Kate whispered, faking sadness and making it believable. (Y/n) was thinking of another excuse, because he didn't think this was going to work at all. Turns out, he was wrong.

"You- you can't quit! Hold on." Gary tried to compromise as Kate grabbed (Y/n)'s arm and dragged him out of there and through another aisle of wine, losing Gary. They hid by a nearby window, hearing Russian from the outside.

They both turned their attention to the window and saw men that looked like they were going to rob the place. The men entered the door right next to them, not seeing Kate or (Y/n) as they walked inside.

Kate made her way through different areas to try and get a good look at the auction as (Y/n) went a different way.

An explosion went off, blasting people left and right. The power went out just as (Y/n) found Kate and helped her up. (Y/n) saw a man with a strange mustache pick up the sword and put it in his blazer pocket before leaving the scene.

"Hide." (Y/n) whispered to her, as she hid behind a wine aisle. Kate was trying to stay calm, taking (Y/n)'s hand without even realizing it. He pulled her a bit closer while people screamed for security, feeling somewhat powerless. "We need to help them." (Y/n) whispered.

"We've got ninety seconds to find the watch! Everything else is secondary!" One man called out, and all of the masked men started to look.

(Y/n) really didn't know what trouble he had gotten himself into.

(Potentially a future book if people want to see it but there will be a part two posted!)

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