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(Y/n) POV:

After the hectic day yesterday and my new broken arm, Hailee and I decided to spend the day by ourselves and go into the city.

We started off the day with some tea and walked by the lake. We saw a bunch of little kids with their parents and Hailee kept smiling at all of them. She looked back up at me and I could tell she wanted to ask something. "What's up?" I asked.

"Should we tell your family now? I mean we're here and we can tell them in person." Hailee asked me. "We can, I was just waiting to see if you were ready to tell them." I told her. "We probably should, I mean my family already knows." Hailee mentioned.

"We can tell them when we get back." I agreed. Hailee side hugged me and I pressed a kiss onto her head. "They'll be excited." Hailee mumbled, just to assure herself.

Our walk lasted for another hour or so before we finally arrived back to my parents house. Luckily everyone we needed to talk to was here.

"Everyone, Hailee and I need to tell you something." I announced and waited for everyone to sit down. "Alright, go ahead Hailee." I told her and held her hand. "Okay I'll just say it, I'm pregnant." Hailee told everyone. Plain and simple just like that.

Everyone gasped and then many different responses erupted. My mom just hugged Hailee and I pretty tightly. "How far along are you?" My mom asked Hailee. "Thirteen weeks." Hailee responded and my mom hugged her again. "Are we the first people you've told?" My dad asked and Hailee shook her head. "We told my parents and brother first. But we wanted to wait until the vulnerable time passed." Hailee explained. My mother didn't look too happy about that though.

After all of the hugs and many questions, Hailee went back up to my room to change clothes. The weather got really bad after and it started pouring rain so we spent most of the day inside.

"What's this?" Hailee asked and held up an old stuffed rabbit. "Oh, that's mine. I've had it since I was a kid." I told her and grabbed the rabbit. I placed it in my backpack and put it off to the side. "Cute. I need to find some family photo albums later." Hailee smiled before getting her poetry book out and lying in bed. "Do you think your moms mad at us?" Hailee asked out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" I asked back. "Cause we didn't tell her first. She didn't seem happy when she heard my parents found out before her." Hailee explained. "Oh, no she's fine. I think she's a bit sad we see them more than her. But you're carrying her grandchild so I think she's happy." I reasoned. Hailee nodded and snuggled up to me before going back to her book.

The rest of the day was just spent inside watching Tv and playing board games to pass the time. But everyone was very happy for Hailee and I, which we both were really happy about.

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