Bedtime Talks

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(Y/n) POV:

After a long day of work I had finally returned home. I had to stay late and reshoot a few scenes and I had totally missed dinner with Hailee. Luckily she was very understanding and put my food in the fridge for me. I microwaved some of the food and ate it quickly before going upstairs to the bedroom.

When I walked inside I saw Hailee scrolling on her phone. Martini and Brando were both lying at the edge of the bed. She looked up and smiled at me.

"How was work?" Hailee asked as I changed into some pajamas. "Good. Reshoots just took a while." I told her while putting on my pajama shirt. "What have you been up to?" I asked before going into the bathroom. It was connected to our bedroom so I was still able to hear her.

"Not much. Worked at the studio most of the day. The new album is way ahead of schedule and we're able to release it soon. I've just finished up editing. Then when I got home I made dinner and took the dogs for a walk." She explained. "That's good." I told her while brushing my teeth.

I quickly made my way into bed and joined my wife under the covers. "When does the album come out?" I asked. "Hopefully sometime soon. I need to do a publicity thing before so it might take a bit." Hailee shrugged. I knew she didn't like doing those just so her music could come out but she really didn't have any other choice. If she didn't do it then the music she worked hard on never comes out and she might get dropped from her label.

"What do you wanna do?" I questioned while going through my phone. "Well, I was thinking of a few things. The label suggested making more TikTok's or a viral instagram post. So I thought maybe I could start a tiktok trend or something. I had another idea but I don't know if I should do it." Hailee explained.

"What's the other idea?" I asked since I knew it was probably something revolving around me. She's always hesitant to post anything major about us. Just because of the media and articles.

"Well, you would have to agree to this too. I know we both just wanted to never really announce it and just let people figure it out, but I was thinking we could tell everyone we got married." She suggested. She's right this is definitely something that needed mutual agreement. We've been married for about a year now, but nobody's seems to make the connection that we both had the same rings on all the time now and that we got married.

"I don't care. We can do whatever. All that matters is that you're comfortable doing it. We can tell everyone. At least everyone will know that you're off the market." I told her while wrapping my arms around her. She rested her head on my shoulder and nodded before taking her phone and opened the camera roll.

"Okay, I definitely want to use a picture from the wedding. There's so many good ones so I can pick one to post and you can pick another." She decided. "Ceremony photos or reception photos?" I asked while scrolling through my pictures. "We can post two each, maybe one ceremony picture and one reception picture? I don't want to post all of the pictures cause I kinda want to keep them to ourselves." Hailee announced. We took a few minutes to find photos before talking again.

"Okay, what about these?" I asked and showed her the two photos. One was from the ceremony where I was putting the ring on her finger. and the other was us cuddling in our chairs and having some drinks during the party. We both were just cuddling and looking at each other with big smiles in the second photo and it was really cute. Florence said you could tell we were so in love with each other in the second photo and I'll take her word for it.

"Okay. For mine I chose this one." She announced and showed me a photo of us walking down the aisle hand in hand after the ceremony and going to the party with everyone cheering for us. "And then this one." She said while showing me the second picture. This one was us eating cake together while laughing. I had some cake on my face since she had slammed some of it into me after we cut it. Apparently that's like a tradition at wedding parties.

"I like those. When can we post them?" I asked. She checked an email before responding. "We can post them now. Once the posts go viral I'm allowed to set the release date. And I want the release to be in like two weeks? I love this album and I want it out as soon as possible without it being too soon." She told me.

"Alright, let's do it." I nodded while creating the instagram post. I captioned it with the date of our wedding and then saying 'very late announcement post' while Hailees almost said the same thing but just the date, a heart emoji and something like 'Best day of my life'

Once the photos were posted our phones would not stop buzzing. "Should we check the comments?" Hailee asked and I nodded. "We need to see what people think." I agreed. She leaned her head back on my shoulder and we used her phone to read comments together.

"Everyone's just saying they knew it." Hailee noticed. "Yeah, but everyone seems really happy. Then there are the few people sad that they weren't the ones getting married to one of us." I agreed. Then I had an idea. But it was too late since these were already posted.

"Oh my god! I had the best idea! We should've done like a then and now thing. Like we post a photo of us when we like just met and then a wedding photo!" I exclaimed. Hailee gasped and groaned when she realized it was too late. "That would've been such a good idea!" She agreed. "We can just post it on our stories." She added.

We both put our announcement posts on our stories so more people would see them there and then did our then vs now things. I chose a photo of us on our first date and then a photo of us eating cake on our wedding day. The difference was so weird. We looked so different seven years ago when we first started going out.

Hailee chose a selfie of us at the beach from one of our very first dates. Then she chose another selfie of us on our honeymoon in Venice on a sunset boat ride where we had our faces smushed together. She was smiling brightly and squishing my cheeks together with one hand so I was making a kissy face but I was also making a goofy face for the camera. It was funny because she had actually posted about our trip to Venice but never said it was our honeymoon, so now people get to put two and two together and realize that was our honeymoon. We posted about our honeymoon and they didn't even realize it.

After I posted my photos I decided I was ready for bed. I kissed Hailee good night and turned off my lamp. "Night Haiz. Love you." I told her before closing my eyes. "Night baby. Love you." She responded while turning off her lamp.

Now that the room was dark I fell asleep pretty quickly. I knew Hailee was still on instagram but I didn't quite know what she was doing.

Little did I know she was making another post that I only found out about the next morning. Hailee had taken ten photos of me from her camera roll that she thought were adorable and put them on instagram. Most of them were goofy photos from over the years with the caption '(Y/n) appreciation post. The man who's always on my side and my number one fan. Love you baby!'

That was definitely an interesting night and I was really glad we were able to announce that we were married. It felt much better. And now Hailee was allowed to release her album and all I want is for her to be happy.

(In love with this oneshot, may be one of my new favorites)

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