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(Y/n) POV:

I'm currently in bed with my girlfriend, who also happens to be the princess. I'm her servant but we have a bit more complicated relationship. Her father, the king, doesn't know about it though. He would never approve so we have to be together in secret.

"I love you." Hailee mumbled as were cuddled in bed together. "I love you too." I mumbled back and played with her hair.

Suddenly the door burst open and king Peter walks in. "Hailee! What are you doing in bed with that peasant? You are a princess and you will not fraternize with the peasant! Guards! Take this boy away! He is sentenced to death!" King peter shouts at the top of his lungs.

Wait. He's giving me the death sentence?! Crap. Hailee you gotta get me out of this. The guards grab me and start pulling me away as Hailee shouts at her father. "You can't! You can't take him away! Guards, I order you to let him go!" Hailee shouts back. The guards didn't know who do listen to so they just stood there with me and watched them fight.

"Absolutely not! You are going to crowned queen soon! That boy has to go!" King Peter shouts. "No he can't! You can't kill him! I'm pregnant with his kid! He needs to be here!" Hailee pleaded. Wait, did she say pregnant?!

Seems like her dad had the same reaction. "What?!" King Peter stutters. "Please dad, I can't lose him! We've been together for three years! I'm having his baby, so I need him here. You can't kill him, please." Hailee broke down sobbing. "Alright, fine. But you have to promise, no more secrets." King Peter offers. "Deal." Hailee smiles and sniffles before ordering the guards to let me go.

I gave Hailee a hug and she hugged me back very tightly. We had our moment together before we discussed the coronation that was happening next month. I'm gonna be king, holy shit.

"I now crown you, the king and queen." The official guy said to us and put our crowns on. Hailee and I both smiled at each other and I looked at her very tiny baby bump. It was cute and shows that this is really happening.

Months later Hailee was now giving birth to our kid. Luckily we had the best doctors imaginable so we were in great hands.

"On my god, oh my god, oh my god." I whispered to myself while Hailee was pushing. She had a very tight grip on my hand but I wasn't really paying attention to that. A cry was heard throughout the room and Hailee was given the baby. It was covered in really gross goo and blood but Hailee had no issue with that and just held the baby close to her.

"He looks exactly like you." Hailee commented. "No he doesn't, I'm not covered in goo and blood." I joked but it wasn't well received. "Okay fine, I guess he does look like me. It's the eyes." I told Hailee.

Later that week we were allowed to go back to the castle with the baby. We decided to name him Peter after Hailee's dad.

I went out to the garden to go for a walk while Peter napped. I saw a rose lying on the grass and picked it up. I took it back to the castle with me and walked back into mine and Hailee's room, only to see Hailee feeding the baby. Guess his nap wasn't too long.

"Hi." I whispered and sat down on the bed next to Hailee. "This is for you." I told her and handed her the rose. She smelled it and smiled. "What's this for?" She asked. "Because I love you." I shrugged. "I love you too." Hailee whispered and gave me a kiss before her attention went back to the baby.

Man, life is great right now. I'm king, I married Hailee and I never thought I would get to do that, and to top it all off I have a child with her, this is awesome.

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