Birthday Party

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(Y/n) POV:

Today was my birthday and Hailee said she was throwing a party for me. It was at our house but since she had to set it up, I was kicked out for a few hours. I spent my time at a burger place and then just driving around.

I got a text from Hailee saying it was okay to come back now since people were starting to arrive. I got back in my car and started the drive to our house, texting her saying I was on my way.

As I was driving and jamming out to the music on the radio, some car kept swerving through lanes. I tried my best to be careful, but then I got knocked into. The last thing I saw was my car flipping around and then black.

Hailee POV:

It's been twenty minutes since (Y/n) said he was on his way back home. Everyone has shown up by now and he still hasn't arrived.

"Where is he?" My mom asked and I shrugged. "I don't know. He said he was on his way twenty minutes." I told her, checking my phone for any missed calls or texts. I had this feeling that something bad happened but I shook it off. I was probably just imagining things.

Another twenty minutes went by and I was starting to get worried. I tried calling him but each time it went to voicemail. "(Y/n) where are you? You're scaring me. Please just answer my texts or calls or just let me know you're okay. Love you, bye." I left him a voicemail and went back to where everyone was. "Still nothing?" Griffin asked and I nodded.

"I'm getting worried. This isn't like him!" I told him, growing more worried by the minute. "Normally he always answers so fast. And I have this feeling like something bad happened." I continued on and Griffin just gave me a hug. "I'm sure he's fine. It's probably just traffic." Griffin told me, trying to calm me down. "I got Emma Watson to come to his party! He has to show up!" I announced, now pacing around the room. Emma was currently sitting on the couch talking to a bunch of other guests.

After another half hour I'm officially worried. He hasn't answered at all and by now I don't know what to do. Guests started leaving since he was a no show and Emma eventually had left but gave me her number since we got along pretty well and we're going out for coffee and shopping one day. By now I just really needed to hear his voice and hear him tell me he's okay.

"Hailee? I think we know where he is." My dad told me, pointing to the Tv. I went over and looked at it to see a horrible car wreck. "What are you talking about? That's a car crash, not (Y/n)." I scoffed. "No, he's in the car honey." My mom told me, wrapping her arms around me. "No. That's not his car. That's not him." I denied it, knowing it was true but refusing to believe it.

"We should probably go to the hospital." Griffin announced, grabbing his car keys. I nodded and went with him, tapping my foot out of nervousness. We arrived to the hospital fairly quickly but not quick enough.

"I'm here to see (Y/n) (L/n)." I told the receptionist. "And what is your relationship to the patient? Only family is allowed." They asked, giving me a smile. I don't have time for smiled, I need to see (Y/n). "He's my husband, now can I go see him?" I asked and they nodded. "Room 316." They told me, handing me a visitors pass. My family had to wait in the waiting room, but I told them I would fill them in on everything later.

I walked in the room and sat down in the chair, taking in my surroundings. He was out cold and there were a lot of wires.

"Mrs. Steinfeld, he will be completely fine. He has a few bruises and he lost a little blood but that will be easy to fix. He did break his arm. We gave him a cast though, he can get that off in six to eight weeks Other than that he is completely fine." The doctor told me. I just nodded and stared at (Y/n) for a few more minutes.

"This isn't my party." (Y/n) mumbled groggily. "Well it's not. You're in the hospital. You were in a car accident. I've been worried sick." I told him, giving him a hug and trying my best not to hurt him and further. I gave him a kiss quickly before the doctor came in and told him all of his injuries.

"Damn. That's pretty bad." He mumbled, focused on the Tv that was in the room. "You think?" I asked. We spent the rest of the day in the hospital, watching different shows and movies.

(Y/n) was allowed to leave a few days later and I helped him get comfortable back at home. Its gonna be hard for him, but I am going to help him every single step of the way to recovery. I can guarantee it.

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