Pitch Perfect

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Hailee was currently filming pitch perfect 2 in Copenhagen, Denmark. (Y/n) had gone with her to watch her film, and have a small vacation. The two of them were messing around on the stage for the worlds before they started filming and talking with the extras who were in the audience.

Hailee was trying to teach (Y/n) the choreography of the worlds performance, and he had been doing pretty good so far.

"Okay, now do this." Hailee told him, doing a body roll sort of move. "Like this?" He asked, trying his best to do it, getting it half right. "You're a bit too stiff but it's still good." She nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

"Now do the whole thing together!" Rebel shouted at the two of them, motioning for them to dance together. The couple both looked at each other and just nodded, getting into position.

They performed the dance without the music, laughing as (Y/n) forgot a few moves and made some up. Nobody had noticed the red light on the camera, indicating that it was on.

"There! We did it!" Hailee cheered, hugging (Y/n) and wrapping her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist. The two quickly connected their lips, (Y/n)'s hands resting on her hips while Hailee's had cupped his cheeks. Both of them quickly forgot about everyone else who was there, solely focused on each other.

They pulled apart and rested their foreheads against each other's before (Y/n) broke the comfortable silence. "You know, I think I could be a dancer." He muttered, earning a giggle from Hailee. "I'm sure you could." She agreed before Anna Kendrick interrupted. "Hailee! Hate to ruin the moment but we need to start!" She called out, making the two pull apart.

"I'll be in the audience cheering you on." (Y/n) told her, pressing his lips on her cheek before getting off the stage and into the sea of extras that was the crowd. "Go Hailee! Woo!  I love you!" He shouted, clapping his hands. Hailee blushed while getting into her place with the girls, getting ready to film their scene and shouting "Love you too!" before they started to film.

The girls performed their dance perfectly and only had to reshoot a few times. By the time they finished the whole scene, filming was over for the day.

"Shall we?" (Y/n) asked while offering his hand out. Hailee slipped her hand into his before nodding. "We shall." She nodded as they walked off the set for the day, now off to explore the wonders of Copenhagen at night.

First they went and got dinner before exploring the city. Many pictures and selfies were taking during their exploring, and many fun memories were made as they walked through the city, buying way too many souvenirs for both themselves and their families, and eating lots of good desserts.

The two lovers ended their day by cuddling and watching Tv in the hotel room, focusing mostly on each other and not the Tv. (Y/n) had his back on the headboard while Hailee was resting in front of him, her back against his front.

He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before she turned around and connected their lips. When they pulled away, (Y/n) spoke up. "I'm so in love with you.." (Y/n) mumbled, pressing another kiss onto her lips, savoring the moment. "I'm so in love with you too." Hailee mumbled once they pulled apart.

After their kiss (Y/n) turned off the Tv and turned the lamp on his bedside off, making the room go dark. They both lied down and cuddled up to each other, now going to bed and getting some much needed rest. "Goodnight (Y/n), love you." Hailee whispered into his chest. "Goodnight Haizy, love you too." He mumbled while closing his eyes in content. They both fell asleep in each others arms, ending their day together. Today was truly a good day for both of them.

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