Meet the Family

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Today (Y/n) was taking Hailee to meet his family. His parents were hosting a family reunion and Hailee had already met his parents and siblings, but he did not want to go by himself. Him and Hailee were spending the night since the reunion was two days long, and his mother and father wanted him to stay at their house rather than waste money on a hotel. Hailee was just excited to see most of (Y/n)'s family and his childhood home for the first time.

Once (Y/n) pulled up into the driveway he could see all of his family sitting over by the pool. (Y/n) wasted no time in getting out of the car and running over to the pool but also making sure Hailee was with him. His sister Violet came over and started talking to Hailee while (Y/n) went to go find his cousins. Him and two of his cousins had grown up together, so they were all best friends.

"(Y/n)! Over here!" His cousin David waved. "Hey guys!" He shouted while walking over. His other cousin Mae had waved as well, and the three of them sat over by the edge of the pool. (Y/n) waved Hailee over, but she just gave him a signal that meant to give her a minute since she was busy talking to Violet.

"I dare you to jump in the pool, fully clothed." Mae dared David after a few drinks. None of them were drunk, but definitely a bit tipsy. David stood up and took a running start before jumping into the pool, getting everyone's attention. "Watch out!" (Y/n) shouted, running and jumping into the pool fully clothed as well. He popped up out of the water and took a breath before Mae had jumped right in next to them.

"And those are David and Mae, mine and (Y/n)'s cousins. There's more cousins than them, but those are (Y/n)'s best friends in the family. They grew up together." Violet informed Hailee, not paying any attention to the sight of the three of them play fighting in the pool. Hailee was just watching in amusement and seeing how her boyfriend was taking down both of his cousins in a pool fight. Just after that another boy jumped into the pool, but he was much younger than the three already in the water. "And that's Andrew, he's five." Violet added. David was now on top of (Y/n)'s shoulders while Andrew was on top of Mae's and they were having one of those chicken fights. "Get him David! Take him down!" (Y/n) shouted, moving closer to the group with his cousin still on his shoulders.

Before any of them could continue, (Y/n)'s mom and grandma came to the pool. "(Y/n), David, Mae and Andrew (L/n)! Get out of the pool right this instant!" His grandma shouted, all of them going wide eyed. "Now!" She shouted, and they all scurried out of the pool. Violet was giggling at the four getting yelled at.

"Grandma! Give your favorite grandson a hug!" (Y/n) exclaimed with his arms wide open, walking over and giving her a tight hug and getting her wet. "Get off of me!" She commanded, smacking him over the head. "Fine, maybe I won't visit next thanksgiving." He mumbled while walking back to Hailee and Violet. "That was fun. I love watching you get yelled at." Violet told her brother. "Well I'm going to change my clothes. Be right back." He told the two and gave Hailee a kiss before walking over to the house and going inside.

Ten minutes later (Y/n) came back in a new pair of clothes and took Hailee's hand in his. "So Haiz, do you want to meet everyone?" He asked, and she nodded. The two of them walked over to Mae and David so she could meet them first. "These are my cousins, Mae and David. Guys, this is Hailee, my girlfriend." He introduced. "Oh my gosh! Finally we get to meet you!" Mae squealed, giving Hailee a tight hug.

"(Y/n) this took you long enough! You've talked about her nonstop for like three years and now we finally get to meet her." David announced. (Y/n) just let them talk for a few minutes before his parents came over to say hi.

Various aunts and uncles came over and all got to meet Hailee. Everyone loved her and (Y/n)'s grandma basically considered her family at this point. They had just met, but Hailee had already been considered a family member to most of (Y/n)'s family. The reunion and introducing Hailee to everyone had been a success, and everyone had loved her.

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