Road Trip

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"Road trip time!" Hailee shouted, getting in the car. Her and (Y/n) were going on a road trip together since they both had some time off. "Let's do this!" (Y/n) cheered, turning on the car.

They started driving and spent most of the long drive singing different songs that played on the radio. Hailee was relaxing with her feet on the dashboard while (Y/n) was driving, keeping their hands interlocked almost the entire ride. Before they knew it, they had arrived to their first stop. The beach. (Y/n) set up beach towels and chairs over by the water while Hailee brought out some sandwiches.

The two of them ate some lunch before they got back in the car and drove to a friends house. Their friend was hosting a small party with a few of Hailee and (Y/n)'s friends, so they decided to go stop there for a few hours before continuing their road trip.

"Hi guys!" (Y/n) shouted, announcing his presence to the group. "Hey!" Hailee waved, and they got some drinks before going off to talk to people. "Let's play ping pong!" One of their friends announced, and a few people agreed. "Okay, teams are (Y/n) and Hailee vs me and Connor." Their friend Jack announced. "Alright." (Y/n) and Hailee agreed before sharing a quick kiss and a high five.

The group of four started playing ping pong, (Y/n) and Hailee doing alright. They weren't doing good, but they weren't doing bad. "Hailee get it!" (Y/n) told her quickly as the ball bounced over to her. She tried hitting it, but accidentally used her hand instead and the ball went straight up. "Oh my stars!" Haile laughed and (Y/n) did the same. "We definitely lost!" He told her through laughter.

After their game of ping pong and one game of cornhole, everyone decided to go on a walk. They all walked around the neighborhood and eventually made it to the beach.

The group spent an hour at the beach, running in the water and making sandcastles. "Selfie time!" Hailee announced, getting everyone to crowd around for the selfie. (Y/n) held up the phone since he was taller than Hailee and took the selfie for her, making everyone do one with just smiling and another with silly faces.

On their way back to the house Hailee was getting a piggyback ride from (Y/n), who had no issue with carrying her. "Wait, let me get on your shoulders." Hailee told him, and he stopped walking. "Okay, do you need any help?" He asked, and she shook her head. "I got this." She mumbled.

Hailee tried to climb up on his shoulders and eventually managed to sit on them, changing her posture so her head rested on top of (Y/n)'s. "You alright up there?" (Y/n) asked, tilting his head up to see her. "Perfect." She responded before kissing him quickly.

One of their friends managed to get a picture of them both watching the sunset like that and took a picture to send to both of them. It quickly became Hailee's now home screen on her phone once she had seen the photos.

The next day (Y/n) and Hailee were now at (Y/n)'s cousins house and borrowing his golf cart. Hailee decided to drive them through the neighborhood and the two of them ended up at a basketball court. "Would you like to play some basketball?" Hailee asked, and (Y/n) nodded. "I would love to." He nodded.

The two of them parked the golf cart and got out to go shoot some hoops. They was only one basketball so they had to share. (Y/n) started with the ball and took a shot from a few feet away, and sure enough the ball went in. "Your turn." He told her, passing the ball to her. "Alright! Lets go!" She shouted, shooting the ball. The ball landed right next to the hoop, but it did not go in. "Dang it!" Hailee groaned, earning a laugh from (Y/n) as he went to go get the ball. "Try again. I know you can do it." He encouraged her, passing her the ball.

After a few more attempts Hailee had eventually made a basket. They both continued to shoot some baskets and just play around before Hailee stumbled across a toy car for children. "I bet I could fit into this." She announced, and (Y/n) laughed. "No way." He scoffed.

Hailee decided to prove him wrong by squeezing herself into the toy car, only being able to get half her body inside of it. "Told you." (Y/n) smirked, earning himself a light smack on the arm from Hailee. There was a giant chalkboard across the street from the basketball court, so Hailee decided to write something on it. "Okay, stand still." She warned (Y/n) before jumping on his back and trying to get herself onto his shoulders.

Once she was stable on his shoulders she wrote 'Let me go - HS' to promote her new song. There was also a children's slide there, so the two of them went down that a few times before hopping back on the golf cart.

After returning the golf cart to (Y/n)'s cousin they got back in the car and started driving again. This time Hailee was driving and also jamming out to the music on the radio and doing her best to dance in her seat while driving.

Their next stop had been Hailee's parents house. They got there that night and were going to spend the next day there. That morning they both got up and had breakfast with Hailee's parents and brother before going on a bike ride.

The couple had decided to bike to a viewing area of the beach that was a few miles away. It took them about an hour to bike there since they got lost a couple of times, but they made it nontheless.

"This is fun. I'm glad we're doing this." (Y/n) told her while they were cuddled up on the bench overlooking the water. "Yeah, I'm having a lot of fun with you." Hailee agreed, resting her head on (Y/n)'s shoulder. He rested his head on top of hers, but not before pressing a kiss into her hair.

Once they decided they needed to bike back home, they got up from their spot and hopped back on their bikes. (Y/n) was borrowing Griffin's bike and needed to return it soon anyway. When they got back to the house they saw Hailee's dad Peter grilling up some hotdogs and hamburgers.

The whole Steinfeld family and (Y/n) sat down outside on the chairs and couches outside while Peter watched grill from his chair. They spent the next few minutes just talking about anything and everything until the food was ready.

(Y/n) and Hailee left the house to continue their road trip after dinner, but not before going to take pictures in the sunset per Hailee's request. A few of those sunset photos made it onto her and (Y/n)'s Instagram accounts.

(Y/n) and Hailee's road trip was a success so far, and they both couldn't wait to see what their next adventure was going to be.

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