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(Y/n) POV:

I was currently having a tea party with my two year old daughter, Shay, before we were interrupted by Hailee and our two year old son, Peter. Shay and Peter were twins, and Shay was older by ten minutes.

"What are you two doing?" Hailee asked, seeing the princess crown on my head. "We're having a tea party!" Shay told her like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She's totally a drama Queen.

"Well do you want to go to the park? You can finish your tea party later." Hailee offered, and Shay nodded. "Okay." She agreed. I got out of my seat and took the crown off while Shay put all of her plastic teacups back where she kept them.

Shay was a daddy's girl and Peter was a mommy's boy. That was just a fact. So it wasn't surprising when Shay asked for me to give her a piggyback ride on the way to the park and Peter wanted to go with Hailee. Peter also insisted on riding his tricycle so they were going a little slower then us.

We brought martini along as well since she could run around in the grass. We had a backyard but sometimes she got to play with other dogs at the park.

"Faster!" Shay giggled as we jogged to the park. I wasn't running at full speed since she was on my back, but I wasn't going too slow either. We got to the park fairly quickly, but we also lived in a small gated neighborhood with a park inside. The kids were able to ride bikes and scooters in the neighborhood by themselves if they wanted to once they got older.

Once we got to the park Shay got off of my back and ran over to the swings. She had Peter push her when he got to the park and made sure Hailee would watch his tricycle. The two spent a few minutes over there pushing each other on the swings before going to the seesaw. I took the time I had to sit down on a bench and check my phone.

Hailee sat next to me and supervised the kids from the bench. Eventually the two went to play in the sandbox and built a sandcastle that really just was a pile of sand, but Hailee and I didn't have the hearts to tell them that.

"My parents said they could watch the twins tomorrow night." Hailee told me, hinting at a date night. "Alright, then we can go out and have a night on the town." I agreed, and Hailee texted her mom saying that we would drop the twins off at their house tomorrow night.

"And maybe we can make another baby." Hailee added after she sent the text with a smirk. I went wide eyed and she started laughing. "It better be another boy. I love playing princesses and going to tea parties with Shay but I don't think I can handle two of them bossing me around at tea parties." I told her, making her laugh even more.

Eventually we needed to get home for dinner so once the kids were rounded up we walked back home. Peter rode his tricycle back home and Shay once again sat on my back. This time they were both tired and Peter ended up nearly falling asleep. Hailee ended up having to carry Peter and the tricycle back home, but luckily both of those things were small.

Once we got back home Peter took a nap and Shay went back to having her tea party, this time without me and with her stuffed animals instead.

We ended the day by watching a movie after dinner and overall it was a very nice afternoon.

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