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Y/n) was driving home from the set on a cold winter day. There was ice on the ground and as he was driving, another car sped into his, knocking his car off the road. "Someone call an ambulance!" A nearby person shouted after seeing the scene occur. "Oh my god. they're on their way." Another person muttered.

It wasn't long before Hailee was on her way to the hospital, after seeing the articles and had gotten a call from a nurse at the hospital. Hailee had met (Y/n)'s sister at the hospital and sat next to her. "Have you heard anything?" Hailee asked, playing with her fingers. "Not yet, he's in surgery." His sister Violet responded. "It's pretty bad. His car was completely wrecked, I can't even imagine what happened to him." She added in a whisper. Both of them sat in silence for a few hours, Hailee responded to her family's texts about the accident, since they had seen the articles.

A doctor came up to them an hour later, showing them to (Y/n)'s room while explaining his injuries. "A lot has happened to him. He's broken a femur and needs to be in a wheelchair for a while, his left arm is broken but that will heal fairly quickly. And a broken finger on his left hand, but that will also fairly quickly. For the severity of the accident he is quite lucky to be alive. He was in pretty bad shape before and the person who crashed into him is much worse." The doctor explained. Both Hailee and Violet looked shocked and they both exchanged a worried glance. "When will he wake up?" Hailee asked. "Anytime now. You can see him." The doctor shared, opening the door and letting them in. 

He closed the door behind him and left the two alone with (Y/n). "Oh my god, it's worse than I thought." Violet whispered, seeing all the cuts and bruises he had. Hailee sat down next to him and pressed a kiss to his cheek before running a hand through her hair. "It's very bad." She agreed. A few minutes later (Y/n) had woken up. "Where am I?" He asked, looking at his girlfriend and his sister in confusion. "The hospital. You got into a car wreck. Don't move." Violet told him, while Hailee just gave him a hug. "Oh, I have a cast." He noticed, looking at his arm. "And one on your leg. You broke your femur. You'll have to be in a wheelchair until it heals." Hailee added. "Wow, that's a lot." He mumbled, trying to wrap his head around the situation. "I know, but everything is going to be okay, we're both here to help you." Hailee reassured, taking his hand in hers. 

After a few days he got to go home, but not without a wheelchair. "Okay, I have to go to the bathroom." (Y/n) brought up, wheeling himself to the bathroom. "I'll help you." Hailee announced. "No thank you, I would like to go to the bathroom on my own." He told her. That was short lived when he was not able to open the bathroom door. "Are you sure about that?" She smirked, knowing he would need her help. "Fine. Please help me." He sighed, and she wheeled him back a bit before opening the door for him. "Thank you." He whispered. 

After she helped him go to the bathroom, which was really awkward for both of them, Hailee went to make some lunch for the both of them. (Y/n) sat in front of the Tv with Martini sleeping on his lap. It was obvious that Martini would always be on (Y/n)'s lap because of the wheelchair. 

Once lunch was ready, he wheeled himself into the dining room and parked in front of the table. His normal seat was moved out of the way so his wheelchair would fit, and they both ate lunch together. Since (Y/n) was able to use one hand, he didn't need too much of Hailee's help, but she was always ready and always willing to help him. 

Finally when it was time for bed, Hailee had to help him get situated in the bed. "Why are you so heavy?" Hailee groaned while placing (Y/n) on the bed. "I dont know." He responded, pulling the covers over him. Once Hailee situated herself in bed, he leaned over as best as he could to give her a hug. "Thank you for helping me, I know it's probably a lot of work." He whispered, giving her a quick kiss on the lips as well. "I'll always help you. No matter what. I love you (Y/n)." She responded, giving him a kiss on the cheek before running a hand through his hair and turning off the lights. "I love you too Haizy." He responded before going to sleep for the night. It would be a very hard next couple of months for (Y/n), but with Hailee helping him he knew he was in good hands.

(It was time for tea...but I have a new Hailee book out now! Please go give it a read if you would like!)

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