Music Video

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(Y/n) POV:

Hailee was filming the capital letters music video, and get this, they hired someone to play her love interest! Like hello?? I'm right here! That should be me! Like I'm her fiancé why was I not chosen?

Today I had the joy of visiting her and watching her film, but I wanted to beat up the guy playing her love interest. He was getting paid to be all lovey dovey with her, but I literally exist and could do it for free.

"I don't see why you hired someone to do this, I'm right here and I would've done it for free." I mumbled once we got to the set. She laughed for a second before grabbing my hand and taking me over to where they were going to film. "Trust me, I asked them if you could do it since I wrote the song about you. They said that it was just better this way." Hailee told me.

I sat down in one of the chairs they had and they started filming. Of course they started with the scene where they kiss. I rolled my eyes at them and soon enough they stopped filming that scene. The next scene was my favorite. It was just Hailee. She wasn't kissing anyone but she was in a room looking out on the balcony in nothing but a towel. I was just happy she wasn't kissing that dude. I wanted to punch his face in. I'm gonna call him Frenchie because he has a total fake French accent. Impressing Hailee with that accent is certainly not working since she is totally ignoring him when she can.

They didn't film her solo part for very long but they were filming another solo scene after that too. This time she was wearing more clothes. She had on a bra but also a jacket. The director didn't make her wear the jacket, it was hanging off of her arms and let me tell you, my jaw dropped when she came out of the dressing room.

"Like what you see huh?" Hailee teased, lightly pushing my chin up. "Yep." I agreed before kissing her. I made sure the other guy was watching too, just to rub it in and have him get the message. We spent a few minutes just kissing each other before the director called her over.

"Well, duty calls. I will talk to you when I'm done." She told me before giving me another kiss and taking her place. "She is very beautiful huh?" Frenchie spoke up with a smirk on his face. "Shut it Frenchie. She's mine. So back off." I snapped. "I don't see you in this video, so clearly she has found someone much better." He boasted. "And I don't see you on billboards, magazines, interviews, and engaged to her. So once again, back off before I punch you. She clearly has found the best, and that's me. Not you with that stupid ass beard and haircut." I told him. He backed off and went to god knows where while Hailee filmed her part.

I kept my eyes on her the entire time, taking in how beautiful she looked and how amazing her voice was. I really hit the jackpot. I wish I was in this music video, but also I'm glad I get to watch her work on this piece of art that is called a music video.

Well except when she's in scenes with Frenchie, then I hate it. But she's so beautiful it makes up for it. Man I could've done a much better job in this video than Frenchie.

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