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Hailees POV:

I haven't been feeling great recently and it's been really bad. I've been throwing up almost every morning, I have horrible mood swings, and I keep craving really weird foods.

While (Y/n) was out walking Martini and Brando I decided to take a pregnancy test, just to be sure. I had a few tests in my closet in case of pregnancy scares.

After I took the test I turned on the timer and just sat there waiting. I'm definitely not ready to be a mom, but I guess I have nine months to prepare. But even then it doesn't feel like enough time. I would love to be a mom and I'm sure (Y/n) would want to be a dad. I'm not really worried about him not wanting the baby since he's talked about having kids before. We're plenty ready in some ways. We have stable jobs, we have a very stable relationship, and we're both on the same page about having kids.

The five minutes were soon over and I flipped the tests over to see the same results, pregnant. Im pregnant! Oh my god this is actually happening! I'm nervous but really excited for this at the same time. Now I just have to tell (Y/n).

(Y/n) POV:

I got home from walking the dogs and took off my shoes while they ran around. I went upstairs to check on Hailee and found her lying in bed reading a book. She seemed to be feeling a lot better.

"Hey." I mumbled and lied down next to her. "Hi." She smiled before closing her book. "I found out why I wasn't feeling well." She told me while opening her nightstand drawer. She pulled out two sticks and passed them to me. Positive pregnancy tests.

"Well this is..." I trailed off while trying to find the right word. "Unexpected? Yeah." Hailee finished my sentence, finding the right words to describe it. "Definitely unexpected. But a nice surprise." I told her with a huge smile on my face.

"So you're happy?" Hailee asked. "Yeah, of course. I thought you just had the flu but I like this better." I told her. I gave her a quick kiss before staring at the tests again. Before something clicked in my mind.

"You've peed on these! And now I'm touching it! Ew!" I shouted and gave the tests back to her. I ran to wash my hands while Hailee laughed hysterically at my reaction. "It's not funny!" I shouted from the bathroom. "It is! There's caps on them! You were just touching the cap on top of where I peed!" Hailee shouted back.

Once my hands were all clean I came back and sat on the bed. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a big hug before letting her cuddle into me.

Things are definitely going to be hectic coming up but I'm more than ready to handle it.

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