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(Y/n) POV:

The next morning I woke up and went downstairs to have some food. Hailee was still asleep so I didn't want to wake her yet. When I got downstairs Michael and Charlotte were making a pillow fort.

"Uncle (Y/n)! Come help us!" Charlotte shouted. I walked over and helped find pillows and blankets for them.

We watched a movie in the pillow fort before the two wanted to go outside. I had to supervise them outside and they went to go play with the neighbors. Luckily they were already outside.

Eventually I had gone into the garage to look for something to do and stumbled across a skateboard. I thought I could teach myself how to do it and took it outside. By now Belle and Mark were outside too.

I started with some small things like trying to ride it in a straight line which was easy. The hardest part to learn were the tricks. And I now know that because when I tried one and fell I heard a crack in my arm and then felt searing pain whenever I moved it and let out a scream of pain.

"Holy shit!" Belle screeched as soon as it happened. "Oh god." Mark mumbled and got Michael and Charlotte out of there. Hailee came outside and saw what had happened and went wide eyed. "Oh my god! What happened?" She asked while rushing over. "What happened to you?" Belle asked in a teasing tone. Hailee looked at her confused and she just made a gesture to her neck. "Oh." Hailee whispered. "Does that matter right now?!" I groaned. "Okay so what happened?" Hailee asked again and switched the topic, we definitely were gonna get teased by everyone later.

"Skateboarding accident." I mumbled and tried to move my arm. It hurt too much to do that. "Let's get you to the hospital." Belle decided and Hailee helped me inside. I had to explain to my parents what happened before we left.

When we got to the hospital I had to wait like an hour before being seen but whatever. "Can you just take the shirt off?" The doctor asked. Hailee definitely had to help me. "Okay, it's gonna hurt. But I'm just gonna take the sleeves and move your arm out okay?" She told me. I nodded and told her to just get it over with.

Two painful minutes later my shirt was off and the doctor could inspect my arm. "Yeah, that's definitely broken. I'll go get an X-ray ready. Stay here for a few minutes please." The doctor told us before leaving the room. Hailee took my non broken arm and held my hand before kissing my cheek.

"You need to shave." She mumbled. "Why? You said you liked the stubble? I don't want a full beard though so don't worry." I joked and she nodded. "I do, it's hot. But it feels weird when I kiss you." She explained. "Maybe you'll just have to get used to it." I shrugged.

A few minutes later I was taken to get an X-ray. It was hard getting the gown on but I did it eventually. I guess things were going to be a lot harder now since I can't use my arm.

By the time I got my cast on and went home it was nearly time for dinner. My mom decided we would spend the night at home after all that's happened today.

It was hard trying to eat with my other hand but I had managed to get it. I needed some help from Hailee but other than that I was fine. I ended up going to bed early tonight since I just didn't feel great. Hopefully the next few days will be better.

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