Unexpected (2)

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(Y/n) POV:

After Hailee told me she was pregnant I decided to put my career on hold for a year. So once the babies was born I was able to spend some time with them before having to leave and film. Yes, we're having twins. I guess twins run in one of our families.

Nine months went by pretty quickly and now we were just waiting for her water to break. I was currently sleeping with Martini and Brando in my lap before someone threw a pillow on my head.

"What was that for?!" I asked as I sat up and faced Hailee. "My water broke. Let's go." She said simply and went downstairs. "Oh." I mumbled in complete shock.

I rushed downstairs after her and grabbed the baby bag. I put it in the backseat and rushed into the drivers seat to start the car. "Okay, let's go." I told her as we started driving to the hospital. Hailee was just reading her magazine.

When we got to the hospital Hailee was put in a wheelchair and taken into a delivery room. The doctor checked how far along she was and told us to wait about two hours and then she'd be ready to push.

"Have you called my parents yet?" Hailee asked me and I shook my head. "Can you do that?" She asked again and I nodded. I started scrolling through my contacts to find her mom and her dads numbers.

Twenty minutes later they were in the room. "How is it?" Cheri asked while giving Hailee a hug. "Boring. It hurts but they gave me an epidural." Hailee shrugged.

Both of her parents sat down in a chair and I sat on the side of the bed. Soon enough I was cuddling with Hailee and making sure she felt good.

"Alright, I think you can start pushing now! Unfortunately only the father is allowed to be here during this part." The doctor told us. Cheri and Peter nodded before leaving the room while the doctors got Hailee ready to push.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I mumbled under my breath while Hailee had a death grip on my hand. "Don't even." She glared at me. Guess she heard that.

"You're doing great." I told her and kissed her forehead. She smiled a bit but it went away when she had to push again. A cry was heard throughout the room and the doctor showed us the first baby. "Baby A is a girl!" The doctor told us and let Hailee hold her for a few minutes. "She's so adorable." I whispered while looking at the baby on Hailees chest. Granted all babies look like space aliens when they come out, our baby just happened to look like a cute alien.

"Alright, I think the next baby wants out now." The doctor announced and a nurse took the baby from Hailee. She was going to get cleaned up while the next baby was coming out.

"You can do this." I encouraged and rubbed her back. "No, can we leave them in for another week?" Hailee asked. "I'm sorry, but we gotta get this baby out." The doctor said.

"This is your fault!" Hailee shouted at me while pushing. "I know! I'm really sorry!" I told her, deciding to just go with it. "One more big push!" The doctor told us.

"There we go! Baby B, a boy! You have one girl and one boy." The doctor announced and held the baby up for us. He let Hailee hold him while cutting the umbilical cord. While they took him away to be cleaned we got to hold the baby girl.

"They need names." I told Hailee while we held both babies. I had the girl and Hailee had the boy. They both were sleeping very contently in our arms. "I want to name the boy Peter, after my dad." Hailee told me. "Sounds good." I nodded. "The girl kind of looks like a Shay." I suggested. "That's cute. I like it." Hailee agreed. "So, Shay and Peter?" I asked and Hailee nodded.

Shay and Peter, the two newest members of the family.

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