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(Y/n) was setting up the camera for his newest youtube video with Hailee. A lot of people had requested a relationship Q&A so (Y/n) had people send in questions and he wrote a few of them down for him and Hailee to answer.

"Okay, we're recording. Hello everyone! Welcome back to another video, this time I have Hailee here too." (Y/n) told the camera with Hailee waving to it. "Everyone asked for a relationship Q&A, so I have a few questions written down for us to answer." He told Hailee. "Alright, lets do this" She announced.

"First question, who said I love you first?" (Y/n) read of his phone. "That's easy, you did." Hailee answered. "(Y/n) didn't really know what he was saying, he was like half asleep and he just said it. I was shocked at first cause that was not how I expected that to happen, but obviously I said it back." She explained. "That's true." He agreed.

"Alright, who initiated the first kiss?" (Y/n) read the next question. "I did." Hailee announced, raising her hand a bit. "(Y/n) was too nervous to even think about it. And I was like 'if he doesn't kiss me right now I'm out' which was very bold of me, but I really liked him so when the date like ended and he was about to take me home I kissed him because I knew he was never going to do it." She added. "Okay but in my defense, who wouldn't be nervous? It's a date with Hailee Steinfeld, I wanted to be impressive. I took you to a pretty good restaurant. We spent a ton of money on wine." He argued. "I had a fun time it was amazing, but I really wanted you to kiss me. I was equally satisfied in the end though." Hailee agreed.

"This is a good question, what was your first date?" (Y/n) read out. "Originally I had reservations to like the fanciest restaurant. So we got there and it was so crowded but we were like 'its fine, it'll be fine' and then we look at the menus and its so expensive. So in the end we got out of there and went to a small burger place. The food there was amazing, it was much better than if we stayed at the first place." He explained. "The food there was amazing. We were definitely overdressed. The people who worked there definitely thought we were overdressed." Hailee added.

"Final question, are you engaged?" (Y/n) read out with a smirk. "Nope." Hailee answered, showing her hand with no ring on it. "Well, do you want to get married?" (Y/n) asked, taking a ring box out of his pocket. "You're kidding." Hailee mumbled, looking at the box as he opened it to reveal a diamond ring. "Nope. I have notecards for you and everything. I wrote these down as like a speech but it didn't really go that way so you can just have them or you want. If you say no I'll obviously edit this part out and we can just forget about it to and pretend it never happened but-" He started. "Yes." Hailee interrupted with a smile. "What?" (Y/n) asked. "Yes, I'll marry you!" She accepted. "Really? Yeah great!" He stuttered, putting the ring on.

Hailee pulled him into a kiss before pulling away and looking at the camera. "See what I mean? He gets very nervous around me." She told the camera. "I do not! That was a very important question, anyone would be nervous!" He defended.

"Should I edit that part out?" (Y/n) asked her, and she shrugged. "I don't care, you can if you want to. I'm fine with whatever." Hailee responded. "Alright then, I'll leave that in." He smiled. this was definitely going to be a popular video, and both of them were very excited to start telling family and friends about their engagement.

(If anyone has requests I haven't done or you commented before and I haven't done, please send them in because I probably either forgot them or haven't seen them and I really want to get your requests done!)

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