Touya's Butterflies

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Top pic credit: Nala_Bert.

............. :)

Violet POV:

The forest seemed quieter than before when the chaos of the night had died down, leaving Dabi, Akio, and I in silence.

It would be the scandal of the century if someone saw us right now. And, not just on the hero side, but the villain sides, too. Especially, Midas' side.

Two heroes and a villain, all gathered around a body they just mutilated, tortured, and murdered. The body of the second-in-command, supposedly, of the man who has been making everyone's life a living hell.

It had been a few minutes since the actual death blow had been delivered from Dabi. I was still sitting on the mossy ground, finally having come down from my hysteria attack of almost killing Euphoria, and almost being killed by Euphoria.

Dabi was still crouched over the body, inspecting the giant hole he burned through her neck as if he was assessing a work of art, looking as if he wanted to make sure she was really dead.

Akio had stood up once he determined I would be okay, standing a few feet away from Dabi and I as he emanated a soft glow throughout his entire body, giving the pitch black space of the forest a little light so we'd all be able to see each other.

And, Euphoria....well, I think you already know how she's doing. She looks unrecognizable; lying on her back with her arms and legs eerily contorted from Akio's mangling, and her fried, blind pupils shot open to lifelessness; with tears of blood streaking her cheeks. Her face itself was smashed in from my frantic punching, with her cheek bones, nose, and lips all crooked and puffy with swelling.

Her neck was still smoking from Dabi's execution, with the entirety of it being covered in black char and melting skin. A soft sizzling sound filled the space between us as her skin continued to cook as if it was a hamburger on a grill. The smell, alone, would be enough to make me hurl if I'd had anything in my stomach at the moment, but luckily the refusal of the Candied Whale Semen from earlier saved me there.

None of us had said anything in minutes. Not even Dabi had a snide comment up his sleeve, as I sensed the events of the night were starting to catch up with him.

The events.........that started entirely because of his own faults.

I bet he didn't expect things to escalate this badly. Or, if he did, I bet he underestimated how much he would care how they ended.

However, even if he looks bored and unbothered, his silence alone shows that he's definitely consumed in his own thoughts about everything.

But, Akio was the one to finally break the silence after countless time had passed by, letting out a tired sigh as he gave his hands a hearty shake to get Euphoria's blood off them.

"So," he started off casually, acting as if we were talking about the weather. "This is what happens when we work together, I see."

He gestured to Euphoria's corpse for emphasis, causing Dabi to roll his eyes in annoyance, but say nothing else.

I said nothing either, feeling my face throbbing from the beating the woman gave me minutes ago. Even if she's dead, I can still feel her punches hitting me.

Akio didn't expect Dabi or I to answer his remark, wiping a splatter of blood from his cheek as he continued.

"How did this happen, anyway? One minute, we were all in position to get this done, and the next minute..." he trailed off, pressing his lips together as he casually gestured his bloody hand to Euphoria once more.

Ordinary - (Dabi x OC) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora