The Cutest Sorority Girl You've Ever Seen

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Top pic credit: Evelyn Art

Violet POV:

"Well, you two certainly broke my expectations for the amount of time it would take a problem to appear on this mission." The boss sighed, leaning his hands over the cherry oak of his desk in full stress.

I remained sitting upright in his office chair, keeping my hands folded neatly as I shot him a silent glance of guilt. Dabi, on the other hand, slouched fully in his seat, looking bored as ever as he waited for this 'little chat' to finish.

We still haven't gone to sleep, yet, since coming back from our failed mission. The sun has already started to come up again to signal that a new day has begun. But, thanks to Dabi, we're forced to continue suffering from the previous day's actions.

"I mean, seriously, most people bet that Shigaraki and Eraserhead's group would be the first ones to cause problems by a long shot-which, now I owe the Commission President, Fujihara, fifty yen for losing that bet, so thanks for that." The boss huffed slightly, causing my brow to raise in slight annoyance-

"Oh? Well, if you'd like to earn it back, I'll give you a hundred yen if I can burn you to the ground. A pretty fair deal, I think, considering it will probably happen at some point, anyways." Dabi chuckled lowly, lazily crossing one leg atop his other while barely starting to smoke his hand.

I shot him a small glare of warning to shut the hell up, about to speak up and do damage control until I was too late.

"Glad you spoke up, Dabi. Because, as of now-you're officially on commission probation." Our boss stated sternly, clawing his hands into his desk slightly to show his frustration.

My eyes widened out of my head at such a sentence, yet Dabi's look legitimately remained unchanging.

"Oh? Is that the best you can do? You heroes really disappoint in everything, huh? Even your punishments." He countered unbothered, boring his orbs at the commission boss with a deep kind of hatred.

His attitude was making me anxious that he would end up egging himself into an even worse sentence. Instinctively, I reached over to grab his wrist, giving it a firm squeeze to silently tell him to shut up.

"Relax. Just be thankful it's not anything worse." I whispered to him as quietly as I could.

Unfortunately, my words were still loud enough for the boss to hear.

"Glimmer is right, Dabi. Probation is flowers and rainbows, compared to what some of the other leaders proposed we do with you. After all, don't forget that you're also a wanted criminal, like Midas is. Your participation in this assignment is appreciated.....but not absolutely crucial." The boss alluded vaguely, waiting for Dabi to fall into the trap of responding with something stupid.

And he did. But, not because he was too stupid to figure out the game our boss was playing. I could tell from his tense body and fidgety movements that he was uncomfortable in here. He probably wanted to leave quickly.

"Me? A wanted criminal? Aw. Don't go making me blush now." He smirked smugly, adjusting his arms on the chair distractedly.

The small action from him made me realize my hand was still gripping his wrist, causing me to quickly release him.

"What I'm saying, Dabi, is that while this mission would benefit with your cooperation, you are replaceable. I could always find Glimmer another partner and charge you for your crimes right now, if you would prefer that..." He started out, causing Dabi's mouth to open with a snarky counter response before the boss quickly followed up.

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