The Cherry Blossoms

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Violet POV: ~ nine years ago ~

"Like I said, you're crazy to think this will work." Touya said for a countless time as we approached the front porch of the Todoroki house.

I rolled my eyes and groaned again at his unhelpful words, shooting him a small glare as we walked.

"Yes, yes-I heard you the first five-hundred times, Touya. Now, stop putting bad juju out into the universe." I huffed with a slight pout, tightening my grip around my new friend Akio's torso as I supported his weak frame in walking up the porch steps.

His visit to the hospital went much better than I originally expected. After the dire state I found him in, back at the alleyway, I was admittedly expecting the worse...

But, after some I.V. fluids-and with the expenses paid for on the emergency credit card Endeavor gave new friend already seemed to look healthier and on his way to recovery.

Akio was very grateful for my help-I know that, because he's told me repeatedly since the moment I first picked him up. There's really no reason to thank me though, anyone in my position would have done the same! I'm sure he knows that.

However, he was a little more hesitant towards the others of my group-aka, the Todoroki kids, acting a bit more reserved than he already was. I could tell he felt nervous in their presence, worried that he was bothering them.

"I-I...I think I agree with him, Violet," Akio started off with a weak voice barely audible, leaning further onto me for support as we approached the first step of the porch. "I don't think I should be here. I need to leave."

The homeless boy immediately began to tremble the moment we walked up the first step to the Todoroki home, causing my brows to furrow in thought.

Of course, I knew he was nervous to meet Endeavor. He's been telling me all night that he doesn't think he should be here-but, I can't just leave him out in the street. He'll die.

It almost seems like he's terrified to meet Endeavor...

Unusual, considering the Flame Hero's heroic persona with the public. I mean, sure, the guy still has a reputation for being cranky and competitive, but not dangerous.

Why? Because Endeavor hides his abuse extremely well! Do I sound bitter? Yeah. But, living in the same house as that man will do that to a person. Even the most patient one.

Endeavor has a way of changing you for the worst.

Akio doesn't know that though. And I won't be telling him, so he doesn't get scared.

"Hey, it's alright!" I started off in reassurance, giving the weak boy a light smile. "I know it seems like the guy can be a little....ehhh....."

I grimaced slightly in apprehension, giving a testy wave of my wrist to explain my mute point.

"But, the bottom line, is that Endeavor is a hero. That means, it's his job to help you, Akio. Even if you can't stay here, I'm sure Endeavor won't just throw you out into the street! You're just a kid, after all. He'll help you find a place. I'm sure of it." I beamed, finally feeling some semblance of accomplishment when the fragile boy's fear barely cleared away from his eyes.

You know....before....

"Wrong," Touya drawled out obnoxiously, causing me to peer over at him in annoyance as he continued.

"Dad likes things that are powerful. He won't even pay attention to them, if they aren't. And, well-this kid's nothing more than a bag of bones. I doubt he even has a quirk. He's definitely not more powerful than me, so dad will hate him for sure." He finished almost proudly, simply smirking at the glare that never left my face.

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