The Gift of Time

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Violet POV:

Two weeks after the battle, and things had finally started to calm down-in the media, at least...

Midas, Touya, and Akio's identities were the talk of the town until the next incoming headline knocked their dirty laundry off the podium...


Of course. We gotta focus on the important stuff, right?

Though, I couldn't say I wasn't relieved the hype had died down as quickly as it came. It's not easy to see your loved ones being bashed on live television, even if they aren't exactly in the 'innocent' category.

Life without Touya felt empty, but it was something I'd become quite used to after having ten years of experience with it in the past. I didn't want to neglect my feelings-because I'd already tried that, and neglecting them never worked. It just made me breakdown ten years later, because it was trapped inside of me. But, I also didn't want to wallow in my sorrow for too long-because I tried that, too, and all it did was make me go certifiably insane.

So, instead, I came to a compromise with myself. I'd take two weeks to mourn everything. My father. My Touya. My best friend. I'd allow myself to feel everything, and be sad, and have all the pity parties in the world. I'd get it out...

After some crying and wallowing-and a few kissing sessions with recovery girl to heal my injured ankle as best she could, those two weeks were up. I'd need to pick myself up and keep pushing forward.

The sun filtered in through my sheer, closed curtains, forcing my bloodshot, tear stained eyes to creak open. Aside from me, the bed was empty. But, that's okay. It was still something I'd grown used to after so many years.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I slowly sat up in the bed, scrunching my nose at my crunchy hair and swollen face. It tends to happen when you cry for two weeks straight. I haven't seen anyone, and I've had takeout delivered to my apartment every night.

But, still, every morning, I checked my phone out of desperate habit, not knowing what I was looking for, but hoping it would reveal itself in the form of some message. I suppose I wanted some magic message saying Touya had been released six years early from prison, or Akio had somehow gotten ahold of his phone to let me know what he's thinking...

Or, perhaps, it would be a Todoroki. Not Endeavor or Rei, but one of the others-one I was relatively close to.

But, they hadn't contacted me either. I can't expect them to. Touya's alive, and while I didn't get to explain my side of the story, the bottom line is that I knew about it and didn't tell them-I didn't tell them their dead brother was alive, and living with me. Not only that, but they've been informed of everything I did while on the Midas mission. They know now that I'm the one who tried to kidnap them, and their father-that I'm the one who caused such a big mess for them.

If I was in their shoes, I wouldn't forgive me either.

But, it doesn't change the fact that the situation hurts me. Fuyumi, Natsuo, and even Shouto have been the longest friends I've ever had aside from Akio. They're not perfect, and no one is, but they always did their best. They always accepted me with open arms when they had no reason to.

So, it's only fair that I give them a proper apology-or, at least, attempt to. They might turn me away before I can say a word, and I wouldn't blame them for it. But, to leave things like this? It's something my soul can't ever stand. It's why I wanted so badly to get in contact with Akio during these last few weeks. But, now I know he couldn't really return my calls because Midas kept him hostage.

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