Clarity For All

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Violet POV:

Midas' story was haunting as he told it.

What was even more haunting was how proud he looked of himself when he explained what he did to his step dad and those robbers, going into incredible detail to show how vivid his memories were of the night. Even if it was over thirty years ago.

When he spoke the last breath of his past, his words lingered in the air. The ghost of them floated to the dark depths of his mansion ceilings and hid there-the same mansion I now realize he created solely for his sister Hanako.

Hanako...was 'Her.' All this time...

It made so much sense now. The 'dressery' Midas built with thousands of dresses. The purple hyacinth tree in the front yard, and the garden of flowers. The ballrooms, and pools, and fountains, and....

Most of all, the music. Why he always covered the piano and spoke of 'her.' Why he always had an underlying sense of torturous sadness that I knew kept him up at night.

Midas-Dad. I don't know what to call him anymore, and I certainly don't see him the same as I did before I came here tonight.

But, one thing for sure is that he believes his life was cursed from the very beginning. And after hearing his story, I can't say I disagree.

The empathy in me feels my heart snap in half from the trauma he had to endure in his life-and at such a young age. It explains everything about him-the way he acts, his motivations, his utter disgust towards the world and why his standards of beauty spiraled to extremes that only a psychopath would think of.

His jewels are killing him from the inside out, and I never knew that. Every time he activates them, they're wreaking ugly havoc on his body, taking away a piece of his mind and soul, until pretty soon, there won't be anything left.

He is dying. Midas is dying. I can see it all over his face right now.

The constant stream of blood running down his nose. The sickly pale hue of his skin, and the black circles under his eyes. His hair-which was falling out in clumps every time he shifted, and the scratching of his brittling skin.

He always used his jewels to hide his real features. He used them to hide his pain. He was born into suffering, and he will die in suffering. Just like his sister, Hanako.

It's tragic. It's devastating. It's painful....

But, it still doesn't excuse what he's done.

Rather than have a chance to rise above his tragedies, he succumbed to it and fell to the deepest pit of hell. He became exactly the epitome of everything he ever hated about the world, and he doesn't even realize it.

He lost himself.

And, god, it's sad because we all do at some point, don't we? It's not a crime to hate the world and hate the circumstances you were forced into. It's normal to make mistakes and mess up. It's not even unheard of to wish revenge or vengeance on the things that ruined you.

But, part of being lost is the ability to come back and find yourself again. Whether it's through another person snapping you back to reality, or having your own epiphany, if we stay lost forever, we'll never find our way back.

There's a point where a person is beyond saving. And, I'm looking at a man who crossed that line years ago.

It takes a lot for a person to truly be irredeemable, but he is. Midas has killed men, woman, children, and animals. He's dragged innocent people and kids into this war. Kids who were the same age as his sister he loved so much.

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