Team Bonding

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Top pic credit: Lammy

Violet POV:

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Midas asked in awe of his own creation, lifting the shimmering, multicolored jewel out of the glass container with cautious care.

I didn't answer right away, too frozen from a combination of dread and fear for what horrible tasks these jewels would be used for.

However, Dabi had no problem giving his opinion, continuing to lean against the wall of Midas' lab as he spoke smugly.

"Eh. I've seen better." He commented, smirking through half lidded, stubborn eyes.

I grimaced slightly at his way of starting off this meeting, not finding it very wise to agitate a man with a powerful weapon in his hand!

Midas kept his composure at Dabi's words, shrugging unbothered as he kept his eyes on the jewel lovingly.

"Perhaps, I should test these powers on you, first, Dobby. I could always use a new test subject, after all. Especially, after what happened to my last one." He pointed out, stroking his gloved finger along the jewel with care.

I chuckled nervously at the words, leaning back against the wall in a fidget.

"Oh-Hah, what...happened to the last one?" I asked carefully, causing Midas to look up at me with a smile.

"You're leaning against her." He pointed out, gesturing to the wall casually.

My brows furrowed as I quickly turned around-realizing I was leaning against one of the gem statues, and not the wall like I originally thought.

"Gah!" I blurted out in panic, quickly pushing myself off the statue...

...too fast apparently, as my force caused one of the fingers from the poor thing to fall to the floor.

Dabi blew a soft raspberry from his lips at the sight, immediately breaking out into cackles at my screwup, while I groaned.

"Ah, jeez.'am..." I cringed in dread, hesitating to bend down and pick up the bedazzled human finger.

Why the hesitation, you ask? Because it's a bedazzled human finger!

"Dont be sorry. Grandma Aya served her purpose well." Midas reassured me, causing my breath to catch in my throat at his words.

His test subject was a grandma?! A cute, little old grandma??

"Not to mention, she was one of my older creations. She's been falling apart, little by little over the years. Natural decay process, you know." He explained, grabbing a little cloth from the table to polish his enhanced jewel.

However, his words perked my ears...causing me to use this time as a way to gain more information about Midas.

More information that can take him down. He's the enemy, after all.

I cleared my throat softly, trying to appear as casual as possible as I pried.

"Oh. So....your gems-I mean...your statues don't last forever?" I asked, watching for signs of defense from Midas.

But, he gave me none....keeping the warm smile on his face as he continued to polish his jewel contently.

"Nothing lasts forever, my dear Violet. didn't use to, anyways. Times change. Circumstances change..." he alluded vaguely, holding up the enhanced, multi-colored jewel in the dim lights as if he was placing it on an imaginary pedestal.

Now, that makes me uneasy!

I said nothing though, simply nodding anxiously as Midas continued a few moments later.

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