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Top pic credit: brttpaige

Violet POV:

"A deal with some unexpected people?! I mean, seriously Akio, what does that even mean?" I groaned in annoyance, giving my hero suit one more tidy pat as we walked into the HPSC Headquarters building.

All heroes participating in the Midas Raid have been called here for a 'confidential' meeting.

"I don't know, Vi. We were on the same phone call together, given the same vague information. That's why we're here today, duh. To get more info." Akio chuckled nonchalantly, pulling out a badge from his pocket before swiping it through the lock slot of the high security clearance part of the building.

I chewed my lip nervously as he held the door open for me to enter first, realizing the magnitude of the situation at hand.

This meeting is for everyone who was involved in the Midas Raid. Every hero in that raid except me is in a very high ranking position. The only reason I was even there that day is because Endeavor suggested I tag along. To learn.

What I'm trying to say, is that I feel very out of place and don't want to mess anything up again, like I did a few days ago.

I should have never used my crystals to heal the villain Dabi, right? After all, none of the heroes even cared that I saved his life, because I didn't capture him, the way I was supposed to. Does that mean they wouldn't have cared if I chose to let him die and prioritize his capture over his life, instead?

I don't know. I guess. Bet mom would have been able to save him and capture him-without any type of handcuffs or doctor. Oof.

"Alright. We're here. Says the meeting should be in....this room. Ready to head in?" Akio asked, checking in with me before we would walk through the door to meet up with whoever was in this room.

My stomach churned at the question, yet I tried to hide my nerves.

Tell him yes, Violet. Go on! Fake it till you make it-

"Nah, I'm gonna puke." I blurted out, feeling my face paling as I stared at the door.

"What!? Why?! At least if you thought you were gonna puke, you shouldn't have worn all white!" Akio smiled, clearly just trying to lighten the mood as he could see how nervous I was.

"You're right-and I shouldn't have eaten sashimi today, either." I sighed, clutching my gurgling stomach with both hands.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I've got just the thing to help-it's funny, Japan Weekly Magazine thinks I carry extra weapons or some other shit in these pockets, when really, I just carry these." He uttered in amusement, quickly reaching into one of his belt pockets and pulling out a mint before tossing it to me.

I caught it gratefully, quickly unwrapping the little candy before popping it into my mouth.

Akio leaned against the wall patiently, watching me starting to pace the empty hallway for a moment before speaking again.

"Come on, Vi. What's got you so nervous, anyways?" He asked, crossing his arms casually.

"Well.....it's just-I already messed up things at the Midas raid by not detaining Dabi. I got a lot of crap for it. I shouldn't even be here, when you think about it. I'm nowhere near as good as you, or anyone in the top, and I don't wanna screw up again-"

"Hey, relax. You're not gonna screw anything up, alright? Look, you were at the raid. That was the requirement for this meeting-and I'm here and I wasn't at the raid, so clearly, even the rules are lax. It said nothing about being a 'top hero,' alright? All you gotta do today is follow instructions, and you'll be fine." He reassured genuinely, giving the top of my hair a ruffle before checking the watch on his wrist.

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