Nailed It

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Top pic credit: Tilly

Violet POV:

"He's. So. Hard. To. Work. With." I grunted out in frustration, shooting a layer of crystals underneath my body to create a smooth slide down the hill now instead of a rocky, bumpy one.

Cringing in pain as my back slid over a particularly big rock, I created a thicker layer of crystals, calling Dabi every swear word in the book as I tried to slow my fall.

Upon reaching the bottom of the hill faster with the help of my quirk, I ignored the cuts and bruises on my arms from the fall-rather, the backwards push that Dabi gave me-also ignoring the subtlety this situation was supposed to have as I stomped my way over to him.

He was already more than halfway across the empty parking lot when I'd caught up to him, ignoring my whisper yells of irritation for him to stop walking.

"That is enough!!" I practically wheezed out as I desperately tried to hold a whisper, grabbing onto his arm again.

A small blue flame trickled at his wrist now, just inches away from where my hand was holding as he attempted to shove me back.

"Oh? Back from your waterslide down the rocky hill already? Careful there, little sapphire. Don't wanna get burned, do you? I mean, if you really want to, I'd be happy to grant your wish. Just say the word." He taunted, voice coming out just a tad raspy as he worked to continue walking with me pulling on his arm.

"This was just supposed to be a stakeout mission!!! You're gonna get us in trouble!!" I growled out, forced to keep moving my feet with his to try and stop him from going inside the convenience store.

"Tell it to someone who cares." He countered back.



"Dabi!! Come on-"

"I don't remember inviting you to come along, anyways-"

"Are you crazy?? I'm not going in there with you-"

"Is that what you think? Maybe you should look around then." He stated casually, causing my heart to jump out of my chest as his voice suddenly sounded more....enclosed.

I gasped sharply as I realized Dabi and I were now standing inside the abandoned, pitch black convenience store. I spent so much energy and focus trying to stop him from going in, that I indirectly followed him inside, too.

The place looks abandoned, but the front door was unlocked? That's not a good sign.

"Uh-oh." I breathed out, causing Dabi to sigh impatiently.

"Yeah. 'Uh-oh' is right. For you, anyways. Get out, I don't need you getting in my way." He uttered lowly, more focused on starting to walk around the premise as he dismissively pointed at the door for me to leave.

And as much as I would have loved to turn around and book it out of here, I have to admit I'm a little curious as to the eerily, suspiciously empty place. It's either truly abandoned....

Or, the perpetrators are hiding-

"Oi. If ya wanted to hide better, you should stop breathing so damn loud." Dabi suddenly stated, tone coated in a thicker layer of intimidating villainy.

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