Final Plan

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A/N: started my new book Bad Habits (Shouto x OC) on wattpad & Ao3. Go check it out and show it some love! The first two chaps are up <3

Violet POV:

It felt like I was braving a battle of my own when I walked into the headquarters of the Hero Commission.

Sure. The Boss had a point. Midas didn't have any actual proof that Touya and I knew each other, but his words alone were definitely more than enough to stir something. That something would be rumors. Or-are they technically even rumors if they're considered true?

Whispers, dirty looks, and mumbles of 'traitor' were the nice ones as I walked down the hallway, trying to keep my head level and find the meeting room in silence.

As planned, The Boss has called an emergency meeting with everyone involved in the Midas mission to figure out next steps. Overnight, the rate of crime and protest has increased 75% and faith in heroes has been completely lost.

Midas has gained countless supporters, all able bodies to make up the difference of the ones he's continuously killing.

The war is coming. Actually, it feels like it's already here.

A small sigh of stress escaped me as I saw my assigned room coming into view, already knowing the first person I'd probably see once I got inside.

It hasn't even been twenty-four hours since I was in Endeavor's home where everything went down. To make matters worse, my only course of action at that time was escape. Not because I was panicked, but because I knew I needed to fix this as soon as possible.

I'm sure that's not how he'll see it. I'm sure that's not how any of the Todorokis see it.

But, as Tsuyo said yesterday...

"There's nowhere left to run."

The only way to fix this situation is to jump in the deep end and pray we survive.

Bracing myself as best I could for the ostracism I might face, I closed my sweaty palm around the doorknob and opened it, walking into the meeting room full of heroes and villains alike.

It gives me a sense of nostalgia, reminded of the first time Akio and I walked in here to begin this mission and meet our partners. He gave me a good pep talk. And some gum.

It feels like a lifetime ago now. So much has changed.

But, now I'm alone and definitely feeling the effects of it as I looked around the packed room, unable to ignore the cold reception I was given.

All chatter in the room ceased upon my arrival and eyes went to me. Ironically, I received more accepting looks from the villains in the room compared to the heroes, aside from Hawks and his girlfriend who seemed to understand bad press relatively well.

Fiddling with the zipper of my jacket, I stood on the outskirts of the crowd with Aizawa and his partner Shigaraki, overhearing the two arguing.

"Oi. Shota." The moody teen nagged, poking the twitching hero in the face repeatedly.

"I've told you repeatedly not to call me that." Eraserhead muttered lowly, seeming overly used to the villain's shenanigans by now.

Shigaraki didn't seem fazed by Eraserhead's crankiness, putting his hands on his hips and getting in closer to his face. "You said I would get waffle fries if we showed up early today, and I don't see any waffle fries around here."

Eraserhead didn't even pay him a glance, looking ahead to the front of the room with bags under his eyes. Even his eye bags had bags.

"And you're not getting any because you get on my nerves." He said blandly, causing Shigaraki to growl lowly.

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