Rings A Bell

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Top pic credit: _Nikhio_

Violet POV:

"Alright! Let's talk quirks!" I started off vibrantly, quickly writing the big whiteboard with the word.

Dabi let out a tired sigh of boredom as he sat on the floor, already seeming pretty done with this day as he lazily leaned back on his hands.

That's alright. He can be bored all he wants. The point is, he's here.

Wanting a change of scenery, I decided to get Dabi out of that "crummy hotel room," as he always calls it, and take him to the gym that Akio and I train at. It's pretty quirk proof for the most part, being a hero training facility, and all.

Hopefully, it will be able to hold Dabi's hot flames. Hopefully I'll be able to as well...

"What is there to talk about? You and your phone have seen how my quirk works before, sunshine. Or, would you like another demonstration?" He snickered, gesturing to my new phone laying on top of my training bag in the corner.

"Hooo, another arson joke? Funny, funny." I sneered at him slightly, watching his brows raise with subtle amusement for my sass.

He brings it out of me, I guess. Cause he's annoying.

"Yeah, well, if you're forcing me to sit here and do this shit, don't expect me to not make fun of you for something. It's too easy for a walking clown, like yourself." He pointed out, tilting his head at me tauntingly.

"Well, joke's on you. You've made fun of me so much already, that I've become immune to your insults. So, ha!" I said snarkily, causing the corners of Dabi's mouth to barely turn up.

"What an achievement to be proud of, little sapphire." He mumbled just a tad more cooperative, no longer holding such a defensive, rebellious tone as he seemed ready to move on.

His piercing blue eyes remained steadily locked on my standing figure, seeming surprisingly interested in paying attention to me even though he obviously didn't wanna be here.

I took his eye contact as encouragement to continue, smiling at him happily as I tapped the big whiteboard behind me.

"Anways. Let's start with the notes I've written on the board. As you can see, I've composed a flow chart of the pros and cons of our quirks. Of course, I don't know all of your pros and cons, because I've only seen you fight once. But, here are some of mine-oh! And see, there's a blank space down here. It's possible ways our quirks can work together. Isn't that great?" I chirped out excitedly, dotting a few of my words a little better with the marker to make the board more pretty.

Dabi looked very unimpressed by my work-probably because he's been watching me make it in silence for the last ten minutes-forced to listen to my incoherent self rambles of thought.

"Are we in school now, or something? If so, I'd like a hotter teacher." He smirked, purposely veering us off track as he knew I'd follow with a line like that.

"Yeah, well I'd like a more obedient student. But, we can't have everything we want, can we?" I pointed out with sass, causing Dabi to lazily throw his head towards the ceiling with content.

"Oh, sweetheart. You'll learn quick that I'm about as disobedient as they come." He countered smugly.

"So I've noticed. But, I'm getting tired of standing for your lack of discipline." I grumbled out honestly, causing Dabi to veer his attention back to me in question.

"Yeah? What are you gonna do about it? Send me to the principal's office?" He teased defiantly, leaving the extra diabolical tones out of his voice this time as it was clear he was truly messing around.

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