The Brain Up Top Has Entered The Chat....kinda

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Top pic credit: The Naughty Gemini.

Dabi POV:

Yeah. Alright. So, I've never been known for making the best decisions...

Surprised by that? Well, you shouldn't be. If you are, then it just means you also make the worse fucking decisions, clown.

But, even so...

Even so, I hate the fact that I can't call what happened last night a 'mistake,' no matter how bad I want to. Not when I remember it so clearly in my head.

My eyes are still closed in a half assed attempt of sleep, but I can still see Violet in my bad vision so damn perfectly. I can still see her shitty smile infecting my brain cells. Still feel her kisses lingering on my lips for the very first time-anyone's kisses for that matter. Heh, I don't think one can get a better first kiss, than what I got last night...

It wasn't just that though. I feel my annoying lips curling up forcedly when I remember how she handled it all. I've never experienced something like that before. Usually, the women I fuck match my toxic energy-trying to kinky stab me or kill me, while I get it in, or something...

But, my god, this girl...

Heh, this girl...

Sure, I always imagined her awkward during our first time. I was ready for that. I accepted it. But, she was a damn mess.

A mess in a good way. A perfect mess. She was awkward. She was strange. Her dirty talk was enough to kill any boner I had with laughter and a good time...

But, even if she was awkward, the moment wasn't awkward. It wasn't weird. It wasn't uncomfortable. Quite the opposite actually, it was so fucking right and natural, that I hate it and I love it.

I love it because it felt damn good. Better than it ever has with anyone else. I didn't have to hide shit-not even my body, since my clothes came off pretty damn quick. I didn't have to hold back and keep my guard up. I could just let loose and get lost in it all, knowing she wouldn't judge me, or point out shit about myself that I hate, or reject me.

I love it because the vibe between us hadn't changed, even in the moment. She was still the same moron, and I was still the same asshole. It's just now we were two idiots getting off on each other, instead of fighting. Even better.

Oh, yeah...and of course....the pleasure...

I can already feel my dick twitching again under the sheets when I simply think about the orgasm I had last night. So fucking intense. So strong.

But, even more than that, I can feel myself becoming a horny mess again when I remember how she felt. How she really felt. She couldn't fake it-not when she was pulsing around me so good every time she hit another release.

Not when she finally showed me the sexy faces she makes when she's beside herself, craving and wanting all the dirty things I've been wanting to do to her for so long. Or when she was moaning my name like a whore, begging me for more in a way that made me lose my damn mind.

No one else-not even her dumb, fucking 'ex' has ever seen that side of her. The side that lets loose and actually enjoys herself. The side who isn't afraid to tell me what she wants. The times where her body trembles and her breath stutters. When she threw her arms around me tightly, eyes glazed over in pure wanting sin when they gazed into mine. When she ground her hips against mine desperately so she could have another release, even if she was still sensitive from the first.

No one else gets to see that, but me. And that makes me special. Important and wanted.

Ugh. It's intimate. Too fucking intimate-but god, it's too fucking amazing at the same time.

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