Moot Points

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Top pic credit: AuraBirds

Song for this chapter: Only - LeeHi

Violet POV:

I pulled my puffy jacket closer to me as I walked down the crowded city street, seeing my foggy breaths cut through the chilled air.

Soft flurries of white had started sprinkling down on Tokyo a short time ago. For as long as I can remember, I've always been ecstatic about the first snowfall.

Little things are always where I found the most joy. A good meal. Fuzzy socks. Dogs wearing hats. Snowfalls. It never had to be anything big with me. I was always able to find content and comfort somewhere, even if I had to make an effort to search for it.

Hell, I'm the person who checks the weather forecast ten days in advance, waiting and watching for that moment the first tiny snowflake drifts out of the dark grey sky. It's been my own tradition for as long as I can remember. Just me, in my small apartment...sitting on my balcony with a cup of tea in hand and a good ol' textbook, occasionally looking up every now and then for a soft flurry.

Not this year though.

Traditions befell me this year. This particular moment, to be exact. I briskly made my way down the crowded streets, muttering small 'excuse me's' with every step, while little flurries of white sprinkled atop my hair.

I didn't stop to savor the small winter beauties, interrupting their peaceful fall with my quick, distracted steps.

My phone remained tightly gripped in my hand, waiting-no, hoping, he'd call and explain himself. Hoping he'd say it's all a joke, or that he even got lost and made a wrong turn on his way home.

But, who gets lost and ends up in a strip club. Not very likely, I know.

It's all I can think for now. Denial-it's what I've been conditioned to think for these past ten months that I've known Dabi. Our entire relationship-or, whatever it is, has been based upon denial. The denial that he wasn't a bad guy. The denial that I could change him.

The denial that he actually cared about me.

It's all been a lie, I know that. But, because I've thought this way for so long...I can't just stop thinking like it now.

After all, I haven't even see him, yet.'s not what I think.

If you really believed that, you wouldn't be chasing after a man who's currently spending his time in a strip club.

"Oh, shut up." I breathed tired, speaking to my own thoughts as I continued to walk.

Let me dream, self. Let me have a few more minutes of denial, before it all goes to shit-


My heart jumped up my throat at the sound of my phone chiming in my hand, causing a breath of anxious relief to puff out into the air as I answered it within milliseconds.

See? I knew he'd call to explain. Maybe, I'm not in denial after all.

"Thank goodness!" I exclaimed, barely waiting for the walking man in the crosswalk to appear as my steps continued quicker. "What in the world are you doing there??"

A small smile slowly began to bloom across my lips now, my eyes finally starting to take in the beauty of the snow flurries as I waited for Dabi to speak-

"Uhhh, where?" The voice on the other line said obliviously, causing my blood to freeze as I realized.

My steps unintentionally began to come to a gradual halt as I took in the harsh reality of the person on the other line...finding the pretty snow uninteresting once more as my heart dropped to the pits of my stomach.

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