Dabi Versus Touya

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Violet POV:

"Didn't mean to....interrupt..." Akio apologized dryly once Dabi and I had followed him off the dance floor.

He didn't sound very sorry. But, then again, he had nothing to apologize for, anyways.

"Well, you fucking did." Dabi retorted broodily, back in full effect with his brand as he slouched against the beat up wall of Club Norboru with his hands shoved in his pockets.

My eyes fell closed in genuine annoyance at his unhelpful words, before I turned to him with losing patience.

"Please, don't start." I reprimanded Dabi seriously, furrowing my brows in irritated stress as he met my gaze.

He kept his arms crossed, studying the troubled look on my face and opting to actually listen to me and stay quiet as he sensed I was legitimately in no mood for his antics.

Looking at him for a few more moments to see if he was going to speak, I let out a sigh of relief when he didn't, turning back to Akio with a look of genuine apology.

"Akio.....look, I'm really sorry-I...I-I can explain..." I trailed off, because I couldn't explain.

The reminder of Akio brought me the reminder of The Todorokis-and The Todorokis brought me the reminder of my boyfriend Natsuo, who has no idea I basically just emotionally cheated on him with a man who kills people for fun.

He'd never believe it if I told him. He'd never think I'd do something so horrible. And that only makes me feel horrible.

What the hell was I thinking? Grinding on Dabi? Letting him grind on me? Exchanging smoke with him? Drinking?

If someone had looked into my future to this night two months ago, I'd never believe them if they told me this is the stuff I'd be doing.

My face painted with guilt-not just guilt for doing it, but guilt because if it involved Dabi and I being body to body...

...then I wanted to do it again. And that's horrible.

Sensing how much I was taking this to heart and overthinking it, Akio put me out of my misery as he let out a sigh of defeat, giving my shoulder a small shake to get my gaze off the floor and look at him.

"Hey, as much as I'd love to gossip with you and figure out how the hell all of that happened....there's just no time, alright? We've got a lot to do here." He started off softly, giving me a small smile that had a million thoughts behind it.

But, even so, Akio knew when it was the time to gossip, chat casually, joke around, and...most of all, he knew when it was the time to be serious.

"Look, in short, it's your life, Vi. You don't owe me an apology, or explanation, for living it, and the secret is safe with me. We can talk about it later. We better. You're still my best friend though, right?" He questioned reassuringly, clearly looking to move on with more crucial matters.

We are supposed to be working, after all. Akio's the only one who's been doing that tonight.

"Right," I smiled weakly, knowing in the back of my mind that this conversation wasn't over with any person in this little group.

However, I know we have to move on and finally do something tonight if we want this mission to be successful.

"So, what have you found out, Akio?" I asked with a subject change, watching his focus quickly shift with me as he leaned in close to Dabi and I.

"A lot. Look, you two. I've been getting some great intel from the customers here tonight. Like half of the population in this club is a recruit for Midas' gang, and the other half-well, the other half are also bad, so nothing groundbreaking there..." Akio started off, starting to subtly look around the premise for a very specific area as he continued speaking.

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