Warm Up

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Top pic credit: fioresacros

Violet's POV: ~ ten years ago ~

"Anything for me?" I asked the mailman hopefully, quickly standing up from the soft grass when I saw him walking up the porch of the Todoroki manor.

The mailman and I have become good friends in these past few weeks I've been living here. Since I'm not allowed to speak with Natsuo, and Fuyumi has difficult prep school studies to attend to during the day, I spend a lot of time by myself outside.

A lot of time waiting for the mail.

But, as usual, the mailman's eyes melted into soft pity at my hopeful gleam, probably hating the fact that he was always the one who had to burst my bubble.

"Sorry, dear. There's still no letter from your mom. She's probably just busy. But, if you keep writing her your letters, I promise I will deliver them to her." He suggested kindly, concealing his guilt behind a sad smile.

But, he had nothing to apologize for. He's the one delivering the letters to my mom, after all.

"Well, I'll keep doing that, then! Uh, you know, I still don't have an address that you can deliver them to, cause I don't know where she is. Are you sure you don't need a mailing address to find her?" I asked naively, causing the mailman to sigh painfully at my words.

"Yes. I'm sure, little one. You just keep yourself busy and hopeful writing the letters, and I promise I will take good care of them. I promise your mom will get them." He reassured, handing me the rest of the Todoroki's mail.

I nodded softly in understanding, bidding him goodbye as I neatly stacked the mail in my hands and walked it inside.

"Mrs. Tod....." I started out instinctively, trailing my force of habit off when I remembered what happened a few days ago.

She's not well. She had to leave. I just hope poor, little Shouto's face is okay. The doctor said the water burn would scar.

His cries hurt my heart, so I had whipped him up a little rice porridge to try and help him feel better, a few nights ago. Of course, on my way to his room, Endeavor grabbed the bowl out of my hands and smashed it to pieces between his own with a furious type of fervor.

I tried to have patience and understand that maybe he was upset, because he knows the reason his wife got sick was due to his behavior. But, then again, he didn't seem all that torn apart by it.

Regardless, I prepared for Mr. Todoroki to ruin the porridge-which is why I also baked a fresh batch of blueberry muffins that day, because I know Shouto loves them! I was able to sneak him one later that night. I hope he enjoyed it. I've never been the best cook.....

I also know that blueberry muffins are Touya's favorite, too. Fuyumi told me. I tried to bring one to his room on the day his mother was forced to leave the house. Thought maybe it might cheer him up, you know. But, he ignored me. Somehow, more than usual.

I snuck a muffin to Natsuo and Fuyumi as well. Not wanting to give up on Touya just yet, I saved him one, too. Only it's been a few days now, it might start getting old. Perhaps, I should just throw it away.

Sighing softly, I carefully set the mail on the stand near the door, padding my way to the kitchen so I could toss the little muffin in the trash-

"Ow!!!? Not again!! Fucking stupid!! So fucking stupid!" I heard someone faintly scream from the other side of the house, immediately recognizing the voice as Touya's.

Since he rarely even speaks to me....I've definitely never heard him yell.

He sounds sad. I wonder who he's talking to. Whoever it is, he clearly doesn't like them that much.

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