Emos & Cameos

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Top pic credit: KadeArt

Dabi POV:

Morning came, and the other side of the bed was empty

But, the part that really woke me up....was how much I cared about something stupid like that.

Left alone again, huh? Heh. If you've learned anything about the person I am by now, then you know that me, being left alone, is when I'm at my worst. It's when my demons wake and come out to play-not like I can help it. I am a damn slave to them, after all.

So, get ready for hell, fuckers!

Its funny. Actually being alone isn't something I ever would have noticed before. Not before her. It was something I never would have been bummed about, in a million years.

Nah. I've woken up by myself for twenty-three years. Or, is it twenty-four years? Whatever. I'm dead inside, any way you look at it.

And, although I've always liked waking up by myself, now I don't, because-as we've already established....the annoying grape isn't like anyone else.

Yeah. It's cheesy. Got a problem? I don't care.

It's probably because I've gotten so used to her nagging these past few months, I don't know what to do with the quiet now.

Yeah. That's it...you fucking moron.

To make matters worse, my emotions woke up before my common sense did....and the next thing I knew, I was groaning like a bitch for her....rolling over to her empty side of the bed and stuffing my face in her pillow.

Much better.

Agh. You really are a damn fool, aren't you?


Damn. The side's still warm. Still smells like her. I'm already addicted on that smell. I can't have enough.

I hate how much I inhaled the scent of the pillowcase, currently suffocating my face, like a damn weirdo-hate how much I hugged the damn thing to my chest, already imagining her stupid face, and her body in my arms.

Hate how much I wanted her in my arms. How much I wanted to hear her say something grape-like, such as 'good morning,' or...'sleep well, Touya?'

I mean....'Dabi.' Not Touya....

Heh. I can already tell you how I'd reply. I'm a stubborn motherfucker, after all. As much as I'd love to hear her say it, I'd probably take some jab at her, instead of an actual answer.

Nothing too mean-Eh, no promises on that, actually.

But, I wouldn't mean it. Whatever I'd say...it would be a deflection, just to change the subject, I guess. I don't know, the soft shit is embarrassing. I want her to say it to me, but I feel like a moron afterwards. Not cause of her, but cause of me.

Because, feelings in general...are toxic. Look at what they did to me? To my body. To my life.

Whatever. We already established I'm a psychopathic piece of shit. If you didn't know that by now, well....I don't know what to tell you-like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Get a brain.

Moving on...

Ah, yeah. Back to the morning simping over my ex-fiancée, who thinks I'm dead.

My little sapphire. Mm, I'd snake my hands under the covers to feel her body-a body that's slowly starting to become familiar under my touch. Actually, it's already become way too familiar. I can feel every curve of her on my hands now, even if she's not here.

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