Our Special Place

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Violet POV: - eight years ago continued -

Nine-hundred-twelve days since I've seen your face.

Do you even remember what I look like? A lot can change in two-and-half years...so...maybe you don't. It might not seem like much to some. But, it's enough time for a child to become a teenager-or a teenager an adult. What I'm saying....is that it's enough time to enter a new stage in life. To realize that each day, I only feel more empty than the last one.

Mom, I could really use your advice. Truly, I need more from you than just a few words, but I feel ashamed to admit how quickly I've forgotten the sound of your voice. Bits of your personality become harder to recall. Did it really happen? Or did I just imagine it?

What do you do when the person you love most in this world has now become a stranger? I don't believe you'd be able to pick your own daughter out in a crowd anymore.

I don't mean to make you feel bad, I know you're doing the best you can. But, I suppose part of me thinks you don't even read these letters because you've never responded to a single one. For that reason, I guess it's almost as if I'm just writing to myself. I don't worry about offending you with my words because....well...because...

I'm starting to give up on seeing you again.
I'm not proud of it. It hurts me to think my faith in you has been lost, to feel as though you can't deliver on your most important promise. Part of me resents you for leaving me alone. It's a part I can't control and for that, I'm sorry.

The other part of me can't thank you enough because it's as if you knew exactly what you were doing when you placed me here. Even when it didn't feel like it, you were looking out for me. Like you knew I needed him in my life, and me in his.

I met a boy, mom. I fell in love.

It's what you always hoped for me. This is a conversation I always imagined we'd have in person.

I can picture your eyes lighting up now. The excitement on your face that's becoming blurred to me. You'd gasp and grab my hands, happily demanding I tell you 'everything.' You'd laugh when you needed to, you'd get compassionate at the right times, and most of all, you'd guide me and tell me exactly what I should do.

And then, it wouldn't matter what happened next. Because I'd know that everything would be okay. That even if a day came where I didn't have him, I'd still have you.

I'd always have you...

A soft sigh escaped my lips when my pen paused on the ratty, old pages of my diary, not having enough strength to pull the rest of the words from my brain.

Of course I had more to say, but each day, my hand becomes tired of writing. Anyone would be tired...of writing nine-hundred-twelve letters.

Not to mention, what do you say to a stranger? I'm not one for dramatics, I know that two-and-a-half years in the grand scheme of life can't be considered 'ages.' But, for a little girl missing her mother, it may as well be a lifetime.

She's missed so much. It's becoming harder to write down every passing detail so it's not lost to the enemy of time.

Especially tonight. After the events of earlier, I didn't feel like sitting down and putting on a happy face for nothing other than the pages of my notebook. But, I've never missed a day writing to mom and I wasn't about to start now.

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