Loud & Clear

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Top pic credit: DaikoJino

Violet POV:

"Sooo, your thoughts? Like, what do you think? Doesn't sound that bad, right? He probably got the hint...." I asked Akio, more trying to convince myself how flawlessly the breakup went.

Akio nodded contently as he munched on his takeout, relaxing further into my bed in pondering thought.

"Oh, yeah. He totally got the hint-the hint to start planning your wedding around Christmas." He trailed off with a snicker, causing me to groan and slam my head down on the hotel kitchen counter.

"Crap. I knew it sounded baddd." I muffled out face down on the granite, hearing Akio hum in reassurance.

"Yeah, but not because of you. From what you told me, it's pretty obvious that you were trying to end things nicely. Natsuo just didn't get the hint." He explained, setting his container of noodles down on the side table next to my bed.

I pursed my lips in admitted agreement, slowly lifting my head off the counter as I looked over to Akio in thought.

"Yeah.....you're right, huh? It surprises me that he didn't get the hint. Natsuo isn't a dumb guy. I feel he normally would have picked up on something like this." I said honestly, as Akio lethargically brought himself back up to sitting in my bed.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Natsuo. He's not a mad scientist genius, but yeah he's not incompetent, either. He's probably got the love goggles." He shrugged, reaching for his phone at the end of the bed to scroll through it.

My brows furrowed in amused confusion, propping my chin in my hand as I leaned forward onto the counter.

"Uhhh, the what?" I chuckled, watching Akio pose for a Snapchat as he continued talking.

"You know, 'love goggles-' the counterpart to 'beer goggles.' You've heard of those, right?" He questioned casually, tossing his phone back on the bed as he turned his attention to me.

I laughed again at the new types of 'goggles' I wasnt aware of, letting a small smug smile appear on my face as I prepared for Akio to enlighten me on his side of the universe that always seemed sooo different from mine.

"Nope. Tell me about these goggles, bestie." I laughed, causing a grin to appear on his face as he sat up straight on the bed.

"Aight. So, let's start with the beer goggles. You know how when you go out and get like blackout drunk, and start thinking everyone and their grandmother is the sexiest piece of ass to ever walk the planet?" He asked, letting out a small whistle of remembrance for his past instances of beer goggles.

"Noooooope. Go on." I laughed, giving my head a small shake.

"Right-of course you don't. Sooo, here we go then. Corruption 101 with your favorite teacher. Important things to know for this new serial killer guy you're dating, too-" Akio tried, causing my cheeks to flush as I slammed my face down on the counter again.

"We're not dating!! I already said that!!" I muffled out, yet Akio continued on like nothing happened.

"Well, sometimes, beer goggles can happen.....bleh, and then you bone them and wake up the next morning wondering how the fuck you ended up, sleeping next to a-"

"The point?" I cackled, causing Akio to nod and get back on track.

"The point, is that when you got beer goggles on, you see things differently. Love can have the same effect. So, like, with Natsuo....if he was an outsider and you told him about this breakup, he'd probably get that you're trying to end it permanently. But, cause he's so in love with you, and you can do no wrong in his eyes, he sees things differently. That's why he's so in denial about the breakup, and tries to convince himself that you guys are just taking a 'break.'" He explained clearly, crossing his legs on the bed as he waited for my thoughts.

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