Dynamic Duo

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Violet POV:

10:10 pm.

"Alright, guess it's time to start then." Dabi smirked smugly, lethargically getting himself back up to standing as our target, Ryo Harima began cluelessly walking towards the dark alleyway below.

I let out a deep breath of nervous butterflies, giving my ice cold hands a little shake to clear away the jitters. I mean, I'm sure that kidnapping someone for the first time is bound to give anyone a little stage fright, right?

And while I was starting to become a basket case of built up nerves and nervous vibrations....

Dabi, on the other hand, couldn't look more bored...whistling to himself softly as he grabbed the black face mask and pulled it over his mouth and nose with ease.

The action actually caused me to relax a bit and remember what the hero commission had explained a little earlier.

"Cover your faces so you're not easily identified. Team Ignito and Kurogiri's intel mission hypothesized that Harima appears to be old and frail. This means, the kidnapping should be easy and practically contactless. You shouldn't even need to use your quirks, so no one will know it was you."

"Okayokayokayokay. That's fine, right? Sure! Its all fine. Everything's fine. Great. Spectacular-" I breathed out in a nervous mumble, quickly pulling my own black mask over my face and yanking the hood of my jacket over my head.

Dabi mimicked my movements-and even though the majority of his face was now covered with a mask, I could just tell by his visible eyes that he was glaring at me in bored annoyance.

"Can you go five minutes without acting like a jackass? Or is that already asking for too much." He uttered blandly, crouching on the rooftop now as he darted his piercing eyes towards Harima's frame as he was a few feet away from entering the pitch black alleyway.

A shortcut to the bus stop. Not a very safe one, obviously.

"Well, Dabi, since you ask? Yes, that is absolutely too much to ask. Not everyone is a serial killer, okay? It's only normal for me to be nervous." I hissed out at him, zipping up my hoodie all the way as I felt my body starting to tremble with adrenaline.

He rolled his blue eyes at me dismissively, about to head to the fire escape stairwell on the corner of the roof so he could get down to the alleyway in time to beat Harima there.

"Yeah, well guess what? You've got no reason to be nervous, sunshine-cause you're not going. Surprise." Dabi stated condescendingly, giving the top of my hooded head a mocking pat before he nonchalantly began walking towards the stairwell.

And suddenly, my nerves froze and turned to cluelessness.

"Huh? What do you mean? Well-of course I'm going! I have to! You said you had a plan, remember?-" I started off, unable to finish as Dabi waved his hand dismissively.

"Yeah. And I also said you wouldn't like the plan. My plan, is that I go down and catch that jolly motherfucker, while you stay up here, picking your nose. You got a little booger on the left side, so better get to work." He called out over the rain, causing my jaw to drop with fury as I wiped my nose.

"I-Agh! You lied about the booger!-and hey, hold on a second! That's not a plan! That's not teamwork!" I yelled, storming out from under our warm, dry hiding spot as I trudged over to him.

"Yeah, and it's also raining. Are there any other obvious things you'd like to point out? Go back to your corner, sunshine. I'll take care of it." Dabi said firmly, not even turning around to face me as he heard my feet stomping through puddles.

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