Leap of Faith

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~ Prologue ~

"The first step is always the hardest."

Yes, I suppose it is.

Or, perhaps....in this case....it's the first knock that's always the hardest.

The Todoroki manor has always been extravagant, and while it's not the first time that I've arrived at this nicely decorated front door....it suddenly feels like it is.

"But.....what if he doesn't like me?" I uttered meekly, nervously playing with the hem of my sundress as I continued to stare at the door.

My mom chuckled softly in amusement for my words, gently placing a hand atop my curled hair.

"What's not to like, baby girl? You're amazing. Extraordinary. He'd be a fool not to like you. Not to mention, you're only twelve years old. There's no pressure. Just be yourself." She whispered kindly, needing to knock for me since I couldn't bring myself to take the first step on my own.

I sighed softly at her words, starting to rock nervously on my feet as we waited for someone to answer the door.

Just be myself, huh? That's funny.

As expected, Mrs. Todoroki's face appeared in front of the door a few moments later. She smiled softly at my mom before looking down at me with patience.

"Hello, Violet. You look very pretty in that dress. Natsuo and Fuyumi were so excited to hear that you were coming over." She complimented, gesturing for my mother and I to enter the house.

The new bruise around her eye caught my attention. As usual though, I didn't say anything about it.

My mom, on the other hand....

"And where's that shit head husband of yours, Rei? I'd like to give him another piece of my mind. He knows the deal—every time I see a new bruise to your pretty face, I give him double the amount." My mom stated confidently, immediately brushing past Mrs. Todoroki and I to make her way into the kitchen she knew all too well.

Mrs. Todoroki chuckled sheepishly at my mom's words, unable to meet my gaze as she used her snow white hair to try and conceal the bruise on her cheek.

"A-Ah, Carla. Please. It's okay. He didn't...he didn't mean it-"

"Oh sure, he didn't mean it, but I mean it when I say I'll kick his ass to hell, just like I did in highschool. I know I sound like a broken record, and I know you beg me not to, but you need to leave and forget him already, before I'm forced to intervene, legally." My mom urged in pure concern, not even bothering to lower her voice in Endeavor's household as she fully disrespected the disrespectful man.

And, speak of the devil...

"You've got some nerve coming in to my house and insulting me. Especially, when you've demanded such a big offer from this family." Endeavor boomed out lowly, burning his eyes through my skull as the offer he was talking about.

I grinned nervously at the giant man, somehow trying to silently apologize for this situation—even though it was nowhere near my fault.

But, my mom was stronger than me, immediately standing in front of my small frame as she got in Endeavor's face fearlessly.

"Let's get something straight, Todoroki. This is not an offer I want. I don't have a choice. This is for Violet's safety, and you were the one who demanded these outrageous conditions that come with it! You'd think an old high school friend wouldn't think twice about protecting a child, but I guess you're not the same dorky kid I used to know. A shame how much you changed, Enji-"

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